WARNING THIS THREAD CONTAINS SUCH BAD GRAMMA YOUR EYES WILL BLEED! LOL JOKEING BUT SERIUSLY I CANT SPELL. Hey guys. this is an update on my map "rats nest" it features full wepon/vehicle and medpack layout, A neer exact replica of the interior and exterior of one of my favorite maps in halo3, a dethtifying drop with water and sharp pointy rocks at the bottom, those window things on the two corners of the map and finaly a landed pelican "coff" falcan "coff" Wepons 'n' shiz on the map #4 DMR #2 Needle rifle #2 Plasma pistle #2 Shotgun #1 nade launcher #1 rocket launcher #1 needleer #1 Grav hammer #2 Brute Spiker #3 plasma nades #5 medical packs #4 warthogs #4 mongose #1 ghost #1 falcan ( you cant reach it, but i thought id put it to look good hahaa ) Some immages so you can see what your getting This is the blue base's garage (or what ever you kids call it these days). i know the hogs are supposed to be where the mongoses are but i like them better where they are Another shot of the blue base (Note) The walls look closer together in actual game-play, This is the "win-dow-y" thing i was going on about in the description. This is the red teams "win-dow-y" thing, unfutunatly there where rocks pokeing out of the foor and the only way to fix was by moveing the whole map, wich frankly i couldnt be arced to do. so useing my "Amazing" interpritation skillz. I decided to make it look like part of the roof has caved in and damaged the walkway. This is inside the blue base. nothing special just wach out for the fusion coils, or what i do is wate for an unsuspecting attacker you know the rest. This is inside of what i call the "Shotgun rooms" coincidentially there is a shotgun in them. on the boxes there is a brute spiker and on the highest catwalk there is a needle rifle and plasma nade. i desighnd this room to be first thought of retreat as it has 2 medical stations and power wepons. This is the center room. if you have the machine gun.... you have the room.... and the grav hammer. The Ghost and nade launcher spawns And finaly the drop and rocket spawn take note of the falcan and size of the map A close up on the rocket spawn and pelican coff "falcan" coff ( That joke never gets old :L ) And finaly the door into the center of the map (gravety hammer spawn) Thanks for reading and sorry for the gramma. I hope you enjoy the map. Feel free to edit my map in any way, just metion me
This is actually a great remake. It seems alot bigger than Rat's Nest but I suppose that's good as sprint is like in Reach and people move around the map alot faster. Anyway, I <3 Rat's Nest and I <3 this.
Wow. The epic nostalgia I got from looking at this made me almost ignore the impossibly bad grammar of the post. (besides the top message) Truly astounding my fellow forger. Keep up the good work! P.S. the drop looks scary! O_O
the map looks pretty good but holy balls the first screenshot area is as wide as an entire wall collesium! seems as thought the gameplay would be manipulated by this, but other than that, the inside bases are much better fitted to scale
Looks great but I agree about the scale on the exterior track. Although it looks spacier you added some really nice aesthetic touches throughout the map. My only real criticism so far is the middle walkway that the turret and ghost face in pics four and five. I'd replace it with something without railings to make it more like the original. Sounds nitpicky but imo the railings get in the way where you might want to be able to quickly drop down. [br][/br]Edited by merge: After further inspection I wanted to add: I think the increase in size of the outer highway is fine. It may even be a good thing, since so many remakes on reach attempt the same scale and end up limiting vehicle combat, but this spaciness makes it easier to drive through. That aside, the scale change on the inner part of the base doesn't feel quite the same as the original. While the center most room with the bridge is a bit smaller and more cramped, the pairs of base rooms on either side are more spacious than the original. While this doesn't hinder the flow of the map much, it seems to exclude certain jumps (using the crates), but the dwarfed jumping power in reach doesn't help this either. Overall a very good remake but if you were to rework it I would change the scale: expand the middle/ghost hallway and condense the base rooms slightly. That way the surrounding (formerly) mauler spawn hallways might also seem a bit smaller like the original too. Oh yeah and one final thing, there is some z-fighting on the large ramp to the far left of the rocket spawn when facing the rest of the map like in your last pic. Its made of two landing pads that are overlapping funny.
Looks great! Love the aesthetics. True to the original, and at the same time made it your own. One of the better remakes I've seen.
Wow this looks great! I love the way you added your own style of architecture to Rat's Nest instead of trying for a 100% remake, as they always turn out looking bad. My only criticism is theres something about wall colliseum floors that just looks ugly to me, but I suppose with the sheer size of Rat's nest you couldn't really avoid that, so nice work!
I agree, a swell remake while asserting originality at the same time. Looks a little spacious imo, but that may play well with more peeps. It's Shexy!