I was thinking about weapon despawning and how it lets you have no weapon equipped, but could the invasion despawn glitch allow the permanent armor lock glitch to be used in custom games? Have a cap point of 1 second, and while capping, use an armor lock ability (I'm guessing you'd have to pick it up, loadouts might not delete) that was set to despawn after that round?
Well i suppose it is possible, I don't see why it wouldn't work actually, it's the same concept just in ctom games, why don't you test it and see. I can't get my xbox until tomorrow.
YEAH!!! actually yesterday i thought of this so i went to forge placed an armorlock in an invasion map (that i made and works flawlessly) set it to despawn (not a glitch) at stage 1 and it worked i was invincible. then i searced it today and wala