
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Psychoduck, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Description: Oracle is a large, symmetric map that I started over a month ago. The map has falcons on it and, not to toot my own horn or anything but...

    So yes, the map is fun while on foot, and while in a falcon. And yes, the falcons are balanced and don't feel overpowered. This map has been well tested (thanks to everyone who helped, the testers' guild is awesome!).

    DMR x6
    Plasma Pistol x4
    Needle Rifle x2
    Needler x2
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Grenade Launcher x2
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Plasma Grenade x8
    Frag Grenade x4

    Falcon x2



    View from upper blue base:

    Slides from upper blue to lower blue:


    Lower green:

    Lower middle and rocket spawn:

    View from below:

    #1 Psychoduck, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  2. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    Holy Z Fighters batman, you have some nasty texture overlap on some spots of the map. The area right in front of the gravity lifts for instance. Do you know how to slightly off center your pieces vertically to prevent that?

    Aside from that though, my only initial concern with the map would be over traffic on the top level. The bottom would seem to get more people running around it, what with more cover and the rockets being down there, then the top level would. You might want to consider putting a power weapon up there, or something to entire people to run across the center dish.

    By doing that you give falcon gunners a chance to go "Look, someone is vulnerable, let's get'em!" and just in general would make a nice risk vs reward element.
  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As a brief tester of this map, I must say I enjoyed it very much. The Falcon's are finally worth involving in a map that doesn't just promote Big Team Battle and Invasion. There's some great thought gone into this map and it plays extremely well.

    Congratulations, this will definately become a FHF.

    Your comments would probably be more relevant if you'd have already played the map before pointing out potential flaws. The upper level gets used 10x more than the lower levels in Slayer games because it has a much wider view of the field. The Falcons are then effective because of the semi-open nature that the map holds.

    I'm not trying to flame you for your post, but feedback is generally more appreciated if it's about the map's gameplay and not just negative points about what you think would happen
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And on top of what Stevo said, there is also almost no z-fighting on the map whatsoever. And, more importantly, there are no framerate issues. (kind of amazing really, given the nature of the map). The FR takes a bit of a dip while flying a falcon, but still stays steady enough to not cause problems.

    Anime Halo, I appreciate that you like how my map looks, but it would be better if you actually provided some feedback, or went into detail about WHAT looked nice and WHY. You can actually recieve infractions for making posts that short.

    Stevo, thanks for your feedback and thanks for helping to test. I changed just about everything you wanted after testing, and it worked great.
  5. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    I'm sorry, why wouldn't I point out a potential flaw in the map? The tester logic should be "Hmm, I wonder if this area gets enough traffic? Well, better not voice that concern!", is that what you are saying?

    Now specifically, I wasn't talking about the upper level as a whole, just the upper dish. If it DOES get plenty of kills there, that is fine. But I am never not going to voice a concern just because I haven't actually seen a full match on it.

    And you should always be concerned about flow over the long term as players become more familiar with the map. Take Ascension for example. The old banshee spawn is one of the least trafficked areas in the map, but it wasn't always so. Early on players would try and catch people in transition from the three approaches to it. But once the map was more well known, the area became generally avoided. Midway in Battlefield 1942 had a similar problem, in that once the level became more understood, infantry NEVER walked out onto the East and West beaches, because anyone on the ship guns would just end you.

    Again, it may not actually be a problem, I am just voicing a concern. That concern being: Watch the top when you have full test games. Make sure people do not start avoiding the center of the dish, where they are at their most vulnerable to the Falcon.

    As for the Z Fighting: : Halo Reach : File Details

    I made a quick clip of the two spots that caught my eye initially. I would point out a couple more but am a little pressed for time today, sorry.
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok. Once again, the dish is used very often, as it is the central hub for the entire map. I think that Stevo meant that you focused only on the negatives. Of course there's nothing wrong with pointing out problems on the map, but it's good to point out things you like as well. Also, there was no basis for your conclusion about the top of the map getting little use.

    And about the z-fighting. I looked around in forge and did notice the z-fighting by the lifts. I'm not particularly worried about seeing as not one person has noticed it in game. If it does become a problem, Ill fix it but I see no reason to release a whole new version to fix one minor problem that one person noticed.
  7. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What, why doesn't this have more comments. This was sick when I tested it, multi flag was so fun whilst we had falcons gunning us down and everyone putting up drop shields. My only concern is that there's some kinda cramped passageways, but that's just personal preference. Oh, and that no-one seemed to find the Rockets until 5 mins into the game. :D
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, i'm not a fan of the cramped areas in the bottom of red and blue bae, but there was no way to avoud this with the large walkways sticking down. Oh well, it's not perfect but it wasnt bad. And you're right, people tend not to notice the rockets for a little while. I'm not really sure how I could fix that though. I'm glad you enjoyed the map Matt!
  9. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's not that I'm saying don't voice your opinion. But you need to at least get some gametime on the map first before you start criticising with your initial concerns.

    For your second part of map movemement. It can be defined as five stages: Initial, Expanse, Dominance, Progression, Balance
    The speed of which these stages are completed is down to who plays the map, what type of players are on the map, and how frequently you come across the same type of players and times you play the map.

    On Pinnacle (As you pointed out) people stay away from Banshee spawn now, as it was originally a good spot to sit at and take people out. Now players stay away from that area because they get killed as more people now look towards Banshee. I've now evolved my gameplan of that map. Depending on which side I spawn at (Rockets/Tower) determines where I will hold. I prefer Rocket spawn, to which I hold Banshee Spawn. This is because more players make the assumption you just made that people won't go near Banshee because it's expected. Basically, Pinnacle is now in it's final stage of Balance. As there are defined advantages and disadvantages of each area.

    Coming back to Oracle; the map overall, is probably in a stage of Dominance/Progression. The first games you play on the map, you stick to the upper levels as you realise it has advantages of large sight lines and it tests player strengths with requirements of Accuracy and Teamwork.

    Once exploring the map a bit, players will locate the Falcons and the Rocket Launcher etc... Thus it enters the stage of Expanse. Players now realise the best way to win is to divide their team in order to maintain control of the map they need to utilise the top, as well as the power weapons on the bottom.

    After expanse, comes Dominance. Like all maps, each map has a dominating spot. A place where you can obtain most kills. I have only tested the map a few times but I'd say the most dominating spot is the Objective platform at the back with the Sniper Rifle / Focus Rifle. As you have quick access to cover should the falcon arrive, you have extremely low possibilities of Flanking, access to a long range weapon and height advantages.

    Progression for the map, is finding ways to combat the dominance. As the dominant area is at the top with ranged weapons. People may tend to retreat to the lower levels. (although, that is currently not the case)

    Balance: Finding a balance on the map depends on Team work, and a players ability at the game. This map has great balance as there are two clearly defined routes. Above and long range, or Below and close quarters. Finding the correct balance of utilising both of these paths is entirely upto the player should and when certain circumstances arrive. These circumstances are nearly always caused by an opposing teams current strengths and individual abilities of each enemy player.
  10. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So I've been considering making an updated version of the map. Is there anything I could add?change, or is there any reason to update at all? I guess I could fix the z-fighting issues...
  11. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Finally managed to fit this into my customs lobby today for a 4v4 on it. Only managed to run one game unfortunately has the majority voted it down for a replay... :/

    First and foremost, I really enjoyed playing on this map. I enjoy playing on most custom maps in general, granted that they are at least some what well forged. That being said, I sat every one down after the game to collect a consensus on pros and cons.


    • Nice LoS (both clear LoS and obstructions) in the area around the lifts and catwalks around bottom center.
    • Some easy and useful jump ups.
    • Aesthetically pleasing.
    • Little FR issues.
    • Paths around bottoms center and up to the bases. (not sure what was special about them, but some one liked 'em.)
    • Good concept, ie; over all map build.
    Unfortunately the negative is a little more prominent... which is probably why this map got shot down for a second round of play.


    • Very tight and congested in spots, especially around the initial spawn and where large walkway pieces were used.
    • Spawn system is mediocre. Sometimes players would spawn on top of enemy players, etc.
    • Bottom center went virtually unnoticed until later in the game.
    • The Falcons brought little to the map as none of the players wanted to use them in a 4v4. Its better to control the map through positioning and team shooting.
    • Poor orientation, players easily got lost.
    • Sometimes confusing in places.
    • Slight FR dips near the grav lifts I think? (not my critique)
    • Abundant use of "hard cover" rather than LoS blocking aesthetic.
    • Extremely trafficked areas in small places that could not accommodate, resulting in high kills zones.
    • A lot of players got caught on corners while navigating the map.
    Personally, as well as 6 out of the 8 players who were present, I would not play this map again unless I had to or for the sake of testing to help you further fine tune it.

    I hope you don't take this criticism too harshly but rather use it to further improve upon your map.

    Happy forging. ;)
  12. Bleuprint

    Bleuprint Forerunner

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    I was one of the 6 opting out for playing on this map again. Everywhere I went it felt a bit obstructive and I was caught on many corners and it was as if the map was coming in on me. I thought the overall idea is good, but having players navigate to certain areas would certainly help (most didn't even see a bottom middle/rocket spawn).

    I had no FR issues at all and I do think that this map may be suited for a different type of player and possibly be a favorite of theirs. I'm just posting personal feedback. I really like maps that promote teamwork and for the most part I felt on my own even though I still had a good game.

    As for z-fighting or lack of skills in forge, I didn't see any. You are obviously a good forger, just the way the map played is not my cup of tea (coffee, rather).
  13. Draco Cosimo

    Draco Cosimo Forerunner

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    What gametypes does this map support? make it more accessible, just a little. If the Rocket spawns at the start, make it not do so, and give it a respawn time of at least 150. Also, do you have teleporters? if not, try and fit some in, it would add a 'fourth' dimension to it, and make things much more interesting. So far,

    8/10 :)
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    my absolutely terrible halo skills caused me to curse you for the Falcons on this, lol.

    i still enjoyed the game we had today, and after skimming the thread i do agree that the map provides ample cover from the falcons, and ample weaponry to disable them. i personally failed at that every single time i attempted it, but others in the game were more successful.

    my only problem with the map was that it felt slightly cluttered/disorienting at times, but i feel that is an issue that would be resolved by playing it more often, as this had been my first time on the map.

    all in all, a good map. i'd like to try it again sometime and see if i can finally kill that ***** falcon...
  15. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whoa... I didn't notice any of these new posts 'til just now.

    First of all, thanks for the feedback guys.
    Schnitzel, as much as I value your feedback, this map is not your style, and his not intennded for your type of play-style. This is why you and your lobby had less positives than most people. I know the map isn't perfect, but its better than you think it is since its geared towards a completely different type of player than you. I realize it is a bit congested in the bottom of the bases, but thats really the only area. Falcons may not have been used well in your game because you were probably all MLG-ers who prefer skill with a DMR to vehicle use. Thats fine of course, but this map doesn't cater to that ind of player. In every match I've played here, the falcons have been the game changers, encouraging teamwork to man them, as well as take them down. Same goes for the spawn system, I have never had a bad spawn here or heard of a complaint about one before now.

    Bleuprint, I assume that you are an MLG-er as well since yo were playing with Schnitzel, and once again, this map does not cater to your playing style if that is the case.

    Draco, there is absolutely no need for teleporters or a delayed rocket spawn on the map. Have you even played it?

    Titmar,I'm glad you enjoyed it. We had a pretty intense game with lots of use of the base slides to get to the falcons, and lots of team work to take them down. Sorry for your luck with the falcons though.

    Anyways, thanks for the feedback guys.
    #15 Psychoduck, Jan 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2011

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