
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by deathangle, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ellipse - Link Fixed

    Key Features
    1. The bridge
    The Bridge is the Heart and soul of this map. from the first moment you step foot on ellipse you will be having heart pounding battles to control the bridge. Take it from me this bridge is not easy to hold.


    2. The Bowels
    At somepoint you will no boubt find yourself here dancing to the beat of your DMR. It a good spot to camp but is counter balanced by the fact that its open and has a lot of ways to get in. You will find a health pack and an Armor lock power up in here. There is only one weapon in this area of the map and no its not a shotgun.


    3. The Rooftops
    This is the tactical part of the map you will find yourself ducking in to cover to aviod one line of fire only to fall into another. success here comes from knowing the cover and the lines of fire. Sick of those kids camping beneath you grab the shootty and drop down on them punk butt campers or pin down those guy who are on the bridge while your buddy flanks them for the kill.


    4. The Main Spawn
    This is where you will spawn at the start of the game there is limited cover and it is a gernade death trap But holding this position allows you pin down enemies on the rooftops. while you will not spawn here very often, you will want to hold this posistion if you plan on controling the top game.


    Weapons -
    Name - Number - Spawn - Clips
    AR - 2 - 30 - 2
    DMR - 2 - 30 - 4
    Gernade Launcer - 1 - 145 - 1
    Rocket Launcer - 1 - 180 - 0
    Shotgun - 2 - 100 - 1
    Sniper Rifle - 1 - 120 - 2
    Frag - 4 - 15 - 0
    Concussion Rifle - 2 - 150 - 1
    Needle Rifle - 2 - 30 - 4
    Needler - 2 - 75 - 2
    Plasma Repeater - 2 - 30 - 3
    Plasma Nade - 4 - 15 - 0

    Power Ups
    Name - Number
    Armor lock - 2

    Custom game type Descript
    50 kills
    Team enabled
    1 point for kills no penaltys
    no vehical - no powerups - no turrets - no abilities on map
    1 round
    20 min
    2 min sudden death
    no team changing
    betrayal booting enabled
    sheild recharge rate 110%
    Health recharge rate 0%
    Motion sensor - allies only - 75 meters
    Respawn time 5 sec
    suicide penalty 10 sec
    betrayal penalty 10 sec
    Respawn sync enabled

    Respawn traits - allies see your way point - Immune to damage - do no damage - good camo
    Immune to assination.
    Respawn traits last for 5 seconds.

    Loadout1 - DMR - Mag - Sprint - 2 frag
    Loadout2 - Needle Rifle - Mag - Sprint - 2 Frag
    Loadout3 - DMR - Mag - Armor lock - 2 Frag
    Loadout4 - Neelde Rifle - Mag - Armor lock - 2 frag
    loadout5 - AR - Plasma Repeater - Evade - 2 frag

    Ok if you have trouble with downloading the File use this link. also any help with posting links would be appreciated

    #1 deathangle, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  2. Massacre Saint

    Massacre Saint Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Umm i have a problem with downloading.Its says irrelevant file when it goes to your file share.Please look into this
    #2 Massacre Saint, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2010
  3. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ^ It's working fine, but you might want to look over your descriptions... there are some misspellings - a few of them are confusing.
    The map itself looks simple yet great, but I have a question.
    Did you get the idea from World of Warcraft? It looks like one of the arenas I've seen.
  4. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No i have never played world of warcraft. I wanted to make a reverse semetrical map. This is the product of that inspiration. This is also a remake of a halo 3 map that i made but never finished. I know the map dosent look as pretty as alot maps. decration is important but i always find myself chopping them out at the last minute inorder to make the map play better. Im not the best map maker but i will say that my map is a faily well balanced map that can provide a fair and competitive match.
    Also i am aware of my horrible spelling i understand that this can be quite the issue to some scolars in the making but im not gonna get better anytime soon so pls spare me the trouble of unneeded critism.
  5. musikBoi360

    musikBoi360 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Your link

    Yeah, the DL link doesn't work for me either, I think you need to update it. I was able to find the file on your file share manually though.
  6. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    ya the Link doesn't work :^(

    Edited by merge:

    Ok, so i downloaded it, and i thought it was well made, but i wasn't very enthusiastic about the middle bridge, I feel way to cramped walking though it, but then again i've never been a fan of levels where part of the ceiling is directly above my head.
    #6 Mr GUINNESS13, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  7. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was my first reach map i was still getting the hang of how every thing would work. I really rushed it to be honest The spawns are still in a primitive state and the objectives have not been set up yet. I promise i wont release my next map until it is complete.

    Anyway if you thought that was bad wait till you see my next one. im taking some serious risk with its design and gameplay aspects.
  8. JJ11teen

    JJ11teen Forerunner

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    For a first map, this is really well made.
  9. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    haha, can't wait. Ya the spawning system really kinda bugs me in reach. oh well, what are you gonna do. let me know when you finish your next project
  10. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks I have 3 more maps ready to go just gotta go throught the ungodly long process of setting up the objectives. also i might release a v2 of this map with all the spawns and objectives set up. Also if anybody is intrested in making a cops and robbers map. I was thinking you spawn then once you die you spawn in a prison cell which has a territtory in it and once all the territory are captured the game would end basiclly all the robber are in jail. Still trying to figure out how to fix the spawns so that no one spawns in the same cell if i can figure that out im gonna be all go on this idea. I know my maps are not as good as some maps on this site but that does not mean they are bad. I will not responed to any post on this thread. Thnx to all for the advice i will consider it in my next project.

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