How to Prep Your Track for the Battle Tracks Gametypes With the help from smm2010, Zerker Mafia, KATANCIK, WhiskeyWarm and x DREAM 76 x himself, Battle Tracks has been officially brought back to Reach. The Battle Tracks variants have been created from the Rocket Race gametype. There are however a couple of compromises for it to work such as if two teams are close to each other, the team behind the other one won't score a point since the destination moves after one team hits it. However, this encourages more competition to wipe out the other team next time. You also have to tally kill points at the end of the game which is a bit of a nuisance but worth the effort for this exciting form of racing. This is the closest that Battle Tracks will become in Reach until Bungie decides to create a Team Race gametype (if they ever do). Without further ado, here is the guide you should follow to make your future racetracks compatible for the Battle Tracks gametypes. The First Step: The first thing you need to focus on is making your racetrack completely uncheatable. While your track may be uncheatable for the Race gametype, it may not be for the Battle Tracks gametypes, mainly since there is only one goal point on the racetrack (should be at the end of the track). If your track does end up cheatable for the Battle Tracks gametypes, you need to add necessary bordering to parts of the track where you can cheat. Nobody wants to play against someone who likes to cheat and ruin the game. The Second Step: The second thing you need to focus on is the spawning area for your track. You need to place the spawn area where the track is most suitable to start the race, usually to the side of the track and not directly on it. The image above resembles how the starting area should look like for BT. You can use the starting points you used to make your track Race compatible, so no need to lay down new spawn points. Just make sure that each Initial Spawn Point should be labeled as Race_Spawn. You need to add at least 6 respawn points in the starting area as well, so if a team dies then they will have a place to respawn and continue the action. The Third Step: Now is the time to make the destination for your Battle Track. The first thing you need to do is lay down two Hill Markers in the same exact spot. Both Hill Markers should be labeled as Rally_Flag. The shape of the Hill Markers should be square and square only. The width of each Hill Marker should be set to 7, no more and no less. The length of the Hill Markers should be set to the length of the piece of track you lay it on to. Now you need to add a teleporter to the destination area. The reason you need this is to prevent people from walking through the destination. Place the Sender Node directly on top of the two Hill Markers. The shape of the Sender Node should be square, with the length of the teleporter set to 9 and the width set to the length of the piece of track you lay the destination on. Be sure to add in a receiver node and place in a death area or in the spawn area. Next, you need to add three One-Way Shield Doors to the destination, preferably the biggest ones. The reason you need these is to prevent racers from sitting in the destination and continue scoring points. Use the picture above as a reference. To start this off, place a One-Way Shield Door directly in the middle of the Hill Markers and Sender Node. Then, using the other two One-Way Shield Doors, evenly place them along the width of the destination, four coordinate spaces apart. If you completed all of these steps correctly, your destination should look like this: The official Battle Tracks variants can be found below. Battle Snipes Battle Lasers Thank you for reading.
I'm glad to see it's return, but it's a shame that one player won't get a point if they're too close... When a player goes through does it not change the destination quick enough? How close is too close not to score?
I downloaded you Battle Tracks game types. I have a few maps on the build for these game types and was wondering if you could give me a hand. Also I am wondering why the length is 7 seconds? I set up a map with the scoring zone as follows... On a straight line 2x scoring zones identically placed and sized. 1 digit width. Length stretches road to fit road length. 2x One-way shield doors on either side of the scoring zone to disable mongoose drivers reversing for double points. Teleport with vehicle teleporting disabled. Allows mongoose drivers through but disables players on foot. This means a team cannot exit the mongoose and cross the finish line individually to score double points. Custom Game settings need hill selection set to Random. Not Fair ----------------- With Custom Game settings -> Hill selection set to Random you score points equal to that of the width of hill. So if the Hill had a width of 7 you would score 7 points. ---------------- Last question, is it possible to have Loadouts? The options are there but I can not get them to work! Driving me nuts!!!!
Yeah, but why do you want to score seven points? We have it already set up. You score one point per lap. The game ends when one team reaches ten points.
This. Just read through it. The stickies already take up more than half of the front page. Unstickying a post, while adding it to the Compendium, allows it to remain a "Stickied" thread while having it take up much less room on the front page. Don't worry, your thread is only the first to become compunded. Many more will follow suite : )