Fy Pool Day

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Mr GUINNESS13, Dec 25, 2010.

  1. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Should this have a prefix of 'Remake'?

    So this is a remake of Fy_Pool_Day from counterstrike. I was always a fan of counter strike and especially this level. The pool turned out perfect. i had a little trouble with the red doors, every now and then when you would go through them you are attached to the wall behind you. I believe i have it fixed, hopefully, never did figure out what cause it to happen some times rather than other times, if someone figures this out (or notices it's still happening) and informs me it'd be greatly appreciate. The only main difference as far as this level compared to the original would probably be the fact that you cannot shoot through the bathroom doors. i couldn't figure out a way to make that work while still keeping the doors red. I did think about possibly using many capture plates to resemble a door, in reality i may change that for version 2. Maybe toss in some lights to get the colorization. Anyways because you cannot shoot through the door i tossed in some fusion coils so there won't be TOO much camping in there. Anywho, i look forward to the criticism and maybe you can tell me which type of door would work better, the kind on here or ones made of capture plates.

    -Lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not all, but most of them, few power weapons though.

    P.S. Should this have a prefix of 'remake'????


    #1 Mr GUINNESS13, Dec 25, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  2. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interesting remake... Looks pretty simple, yet perfectly put together. My questions are where do those teleporters lead to, have you tested this, and if you fall in the pool do you die?
  3. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Thanks i appreciate it, i actually put a good amount of time into it. I sometimes become a bit of perfectionist. lol. i wanted the walls and floors colored just like in counterstrike, which added to the frustration of the level

    The two way teleporters simply lead to the other side of the door, I did this so you could go through the door but still not be seen if anyone's on the other side. In counterstrike you could actually open the doors and then close them (i think, lol) This is the closest i could come to that.

    And no you don't die in the pool. it's as low as you can go without dying (i put grenades and stickies down there, like in counterstrike) In order to jump out though you have to go to the wall of the pool and then jump, i had to use some one way shields to make the player jump high enough.
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    downloaded, will try out and get back with feedback. Nice theme...

    need loadout pics, too many weapons laying around for this size of map; teleports don't make sense - they break the cohesion of your theme; nice pool and nice hop out of pool.

    I didn't understand the implications of it being a remake or what the original implied. Also, I want to clarify that while i don't necessarily want to keep this map doesn't mean that it is all that bad (poor choice of words on my part, I apologize). I am very particular. Exodus is the only map in a month that I have seen that I want to keep. That is one in how many???? The fact that I even bothered to look at your map says it has a lot going for it to begin with. Did you notice the only maps I bother to comment on are those with themes of places? I don't download maps unless they have a theme. Path maps are too easy to make and too boring to play on. The fact that you have a theme shows you made an uncommon effort and you have creativity (more than what I can say of most forgers).

    Good job on the overall design! 7 out of 10!
    #4 MrGreenWithAGun, Dec 28, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  5. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Dang, lol ya i know i forgot the cameras, i just caught it yesterday, i always forget to put those dang things in, lol. i appreciate the feedback, but did you even read what i had said...? It's a remake, so... maybe it's just for people who used to play counter-strike...maybe, lol. So that's why there's lot's of weapons, because on counter-strike there was a lot of weapons (But i did notice the weapons come back too fast, i will fix that) and actually this level would sometimes be played with a lot of people, but with a lot of people it def becomes simply one side vs one side. The teleporters were the best way to do the doors (which in cs opened and closed) if anyone has any other ideas, I'm happy to hear them.

    -Thanks again

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