So I've been trying to get this noticed a bit more, as it took ages to make. Feel free to use these for anything, just as long as I get the credit for making them!! The outside Crashed dropship Going inside One of those rooms where the flood would be later on Yes, that is a fully working light bridge A long corridor Remember the crazy marine? These last two are ones of the room where you first meet the flood. With added kill ball.
Wow this looks amazing. Great job. I'm going to download this and tell you what I think of this. It looks like it gives you the feel of the real version.
really cool map. i was going to make this inside as an invasion map. i didnt realize what this was until the spirit part. really cool light bridge too. is there a gametype?
Dude this is amazing. Wow Not only is there another classic halo remake but it supports a gametype. Amazing. I always ask myself "Another campaign remake, seriously?" Then I take a look at maps like these and I think "Why question the awesomeness?"
Whoa, your first map? This is really good for your first map. It's almost exactly how I remember it! Have you had experience with Halo 3 Forge or is this right off the bat? Good job!
Just checked back on this, the map has been updated to play a bit more evenly. Still can't fix the bloody needler crates though >_>
Wow this is really good. Very precise as well. This cant be your first map everything is so neat wow.
I used to use forge on Halo 3, I recall lining up pieces vertically was much easier back then. I've just finished another one, where I glitched out of the height boundary. It's called "Highest". I'm in the process of getting the screenshots ready now.