Covenant on a ship

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by caniblcake, Dec 24, 2010.

  1. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    NOTE: (Version 3.1) Anybody who has already downloaded the map is asked to download Version 3.1, as some changes have been made to the benefit of the map. It is not necessary to redownload the gametype, only the map. Any feedback is important, so feel free to PM me or send me a message regarding the map.
    NOTE: (version 3.2) There has been another update to the map, so please redownload again. This time the map was changed to fix an issue in which multiple people would spawn in one class room. This has been fixed, so please download the new version of the map to fully enjoy Covenant on a Ship.

    Covenant on a ship is a fast-paced defense infection game, where humans have to survive an onslaught of dangerous covenant foes.

    The covenant are stronger and better than you, so use cover and teamwork to stop them. Always have a weapon ready.

    The original idea for this gametype was in late 2009, in halo 3. It started with two thoughts: 'I should make a cool map in Orbital', and 'I think we need more fast-paced-corridor-fight-action-boom-shooting maps'. Originally, It was going to be a 'SWAT assault' of sorts, where everyone died very quickly, and the goal was to take a bomb down a cover-filled corridor and plant it. Both sides were going to be the same in stats, but the attackers would have better weaponry.
    I never made a map like that, instead deciding that I should make a map based on the name 'Covenant on a ship' (A joke I have with a few friends). I decided to merge these two ideas, and covenant on a ship was born.
    The original map went through intensive testing, and through that, the 'Covenant on a ship' Halo 3 variant was finally finished.

    By then, Reach was just ahead, and I knew what I would do. I'd remake CoaS, in REACH.
    So I did, as soon as I got the game.
    The first remake (2.0) was a complete and utter failure. It played nothing like the original map, and was just no fun to play on.
    I gave up for a couple of months, until one of my friends said 'Hey, you should remake that 'Covenant on a ship' gametype.'.
    So I did.
    This time, I took down a cover layout for the original map, and the traits from the original gametype. If you liked Orbital, you can see how this map cloesly resembled one of the corridors, especially the CoaS sniper spawn and the ramps behind it. When the map was finished, it was a blast to play on- Possibly more fun than the original.
    This is Covenant on a ship 3.0. (3.1 now)

    The covenant are equipped with a plasma rifle to start with, with supplies of only needle rifles and plasma repeaters each on 30s respawn times (so try not to die too much). They must charge down a cover-filled corridor to kill the humans.
    Said cover-filled corridor, before a fight.

    Once a covenant soldier dies, there is a slim chance they will respawn as one of 4 'classes'.
    These classes are:

    Brute captain-

    Custom powerup (gold in colour, overshields, slightly decreased movement speed)

    Active camo powerup
    energy sword

    plasma cannon
    plasma launcher (removed in V3.1)

    The class spawn room for the BRUTE CAPTAIN

    90 seconds into the round, an extra plasma launcher and focus rifle will spawn in the normal covenant room.
    (Plasma launcher spawns at 180 seconds in V3.1)
    The 'normal' covenant room.

    The humans can use some extra tactics to help themselves to survive, for example:

    Camping near the covenant spawn with a shotgun.


    Though to be honest, this tactic doesn't last long. Damn zealot.

    If that's your style, you don't need a shotgun. Or even cover.

    Though, again, you won't get far doing this. Captains are surprisingly powerful, despite lack of any real powerups. Think of them as Anti-camping machines.

    A look at both the covenant spawn (of sorts, this is where you'll teleport to after coming out of the spawn rooms), and down the corridor.

    The humans, having just spawned.

    The humans have some powerful grenades, but only 1 each. Here, we can see one killing a guy.

    Kill times are faster than in the base game, so games are much faster-paced (few rounds reach their 3-minute time limit, even with 8 or so players). Human shields do not regenerate, so close-quarters is extremely dangerous (especially since covenant melee damage is 300%). Humans should stay near their spawn and use their DMRs and Assault Rifles as a team.
    The default number of zombies on the gametype is 2, but feel free to change this, especially for games of 10 or above.

    Feedback is appreciated.
    #1 caniblcake, Dec 24, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2010
  2. First.
    On-Topic: This map looks really nice, the first picture of the halllway makes it look even better.

    Side Notes: Mind if I use the Corridor/Hallway in one of my maps? I'll give you credit for it, even though I might change it a little and you might not recognize it.

    Again On-Topic: Honestly, to tell you the truth, I think this map looks really good. Does it play well with the Gametype it was intended for? The Forging looks clean and neat, and from the pics, the gameplay looks solid.
  3. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    Feel free to use the corridor, and any parts of the map, so long as credit is given.
    I spent a long time making the map look good, as well as play well.
    It took ages to decide how long the corridor should be, how much cover there should be, ETC. I think I've settled on the perfect choice.

    The map pretty much ONLY works with the gametype, but it works brilliantly. I suppose you COULD play it with most infection variants, but it wouldn't be very good.

    The only real problem is that it's a little too easy to camp the covenant spawn, but classes like zealot and captain balance this quite well.
    #3 caniblcake, Dec 24, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010

  4. Yeah, I think the Corridor/Hallway looks really nice, but I taking your word for it and hopefully the gametype plays well. I'll download and get back to you.
  5. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    After some feedback, I have made the following changes to the map:

    I had missed that there was no wall at the back of the covenant spawn. This has been added.

    The teleporters no longer fling you past the 1-way shields, allowing covies to formulate a plan if there are any campers at their spawn

    the 'Heavy' class plasma launcher has been completely removed, while the normal one now spawns at 2 minutes, acting as an 'endgame' weapon to kill any last survivors.
  6. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    So this is like a Firefight map, right? And if you have any money left whatsoever, I suggest giving the Cheaiftain an OS. Because they have a lot of health and It would not be fitting if they didnt. And I didn't find the human health anywhere, so I say there should be a health respawn to make it "realistic"
  7. caniblcake

    caniblcake Ancient

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    Some good points there, firedrone. I'll consider adding an OS to the captain/chieftain spawn, but I don't intend to allow the humans to get any of their health back- the point of having 0 health/shield regen is that once you're hit, you're hit. You have to stay in cover to survive long.
    As for the OS, remember that this is Reach- brute captains (not heroes or chieftains) sometimes use hammers, and captains don't have much health (they can be downed by FOUR needle rifle shots). I may, however, change the class to 'chieftain' and add the OS, though sprint, a hammer, and overshields would be a very overpowered combo. The chieftain class is supposed to take out campers more than anything.
  8. darnell

    darnell Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks good i like the whole class system ive been meaning to do that myself and this is the first time ive seen someone else do it and it be used so effectivley.

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