Author: DIEabolical Map Name: New Mombasa Map Canvas: Forge World Map Size: Large Player Count: 4-16 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Juggernaut, Slayer, Team Slayer, Head Hunter, Lone Sniper __________________________________________________ Description: New Mombasa supports Team Slayer,Slayer,Swat,All Assault gametypes,All CTF gametypes,Headhunter and a duckhunt minigame called Lone Sniper
Love it! I don't see any problems, the asteics are great, it can be played on basically any game mode including its own game mode built for it, and none the less it looks to play well. The only thing I guess I might want is more custom game modes for this mad like "Red Light, Green Light" or "Sharks and Minos". But other than those I believe this game is great and holds many fun hours of playing it.
I will eat your soul if you don't somehow make this masterpiece compatible to Invasion. I actually feel like I should eat it right now for not making this for Invasion in the first place. I mean, c'mon! Location that makes sense in the fiction? Check. Perfectly recreated dropships that could be used in an Invasion gametype? Check. From what I can see, this map has so much potential for a gametype like that. Great map, it looks fun for BTB like it was designed, but it would be perfect if it had an Invasion gametype to put the icing on the cake.
I need to change my pants hold on... All I can say is wow! I like the first picture. Good way to catch an eye. You definitely did alot to make this map playable and beautiful at the same time. I like the fact you put in the huge bridge and the elevator, but aren't the human and covenant spawns a little to close to each other? I had to point that out as my friends and I kept getting cheap kills on each other and kind of broke the gameplay a bit.
Yay I played on this...and was the lone 5 times. One thing I noticed when we did team slayer on it was there were like no kill boundaries. I don't know if that was intentional but you might not want people getting to the top of buildings or bridges. Other than that I think the map look pretty smooth and the phantom/pelican were a nice touch.
I actually used so many kill boundaries and spawns and objectives that i actually reached a limit on those too! So i wasnt able to squeeze all gametypes on one map sorry. I am working on making an invasion and conquest version of this map.
looks pretty good, I'd like to play on it and see how it feels, but it still looks pretty good. New Mombassa was my favorite place in H2