So this mini game is a unique fun and very odd, would appreciate credit if something CLOSELY simliar is made lol ,thx. Comments and feedback much appreciated ( hate or like) always room for improvement. --Description-- Team game up to 16 players, each team starts out in a tunnel right next to each other then must run through a cave to reach your goal,which is to feed the monster ... with what you ask? with yourself of course. He loves the taste of spartan armor and flesh , so dont dissapoint. So each team must rush to the mouth of the monster, climb the tongue , and dive into his throat ( too lazy to chew,swallow,). of course your team wants to please the monster more so stop the opposing team from feeding him more then you. To do this your all equiped with concussion rifles and 50% gravity, Only able to assasinate no damage otherwise ( no point for killing)and no jumping. ( for those who dont know this means u shoot them with the gun and they basicly fly into the air and u can push them around if your good at it) So score by feeding yourself to him , 1 point each. as i stated before u can kill others by assasination but will not gain you points, only put your team ahead by sending one of opposing teamembers back to base thus not letting him feed the monster. feed him as much as you can in 5 min no score limit. now for some pictures and more description on it This is the monster up close and personel, were you must get to . This is His tongue which u must climb, i realize its slightly bumpy going up but decided after playing i liked it u can still go up smooth just one slight delay so it made for some fun moments in his mouth on the tongue your path to his satisfaction. just make sure u dont jump of or get knocked off, or he will spit you out . starting you farther back Your ultimate destination, his throat is were u will score a point by letting him eat you. I thought i had uploaded some pictures of the cave and starting location but guess not ill do that when i get home from work. As far as im concerned this is a pretty original idea so should be refreshing break from all the remakes and such ( not hating) Savage - Map Savage - Gametype Must play with the included Gametype unles it will not work. :::TIPS:::: Some ways to help your team win is use your concussion rifle, takes some practice but once u get good at it, it can be great, things like shoot them up so they cant move and assasinate, shoot them up then shoot them in air to make them fly back ( have good aim), shoot your teammates forward. -Shoot at their feet first -shoot the tongue just ahead of them as they are about to get to it -shoot them if they get into the mouth into the sides so he will spit them out Hope you guys enjoy it and go ahead and add me if you enjoy customs GT-Seattles Savage
this is a pretty funny game and i think is original and great as you described theirs only 1 way to get points but what if you could take points off from the other team also what other ways other than assassinating the other team will help you win?
What is the overall objective of this gametype/map? The map looks very cool with some nice asthetics but what is the point of this gametype... it confuses me.
Confuses you really? hoped i had explained it pretty well. Well to clarify. Each team starts at beginning of the "trail". all u have to do is run to the monster and jump down his throat to kill yourself which gives your team a point. ( only score when you suicide) all while trying to stop the other team from doing the same using your conccusion rifles to push them back or assasinate them (no score) to send them back to base to start the run again. Should try it out will become obvious really quick when play the map And for Gametime49, thx for the feedback and the reason i made it so u can only get points one way (no taking points from them) because i didn't want people focusing on killing the other team over trying to feed the monster. and as for other ways to help your team win is use your concussion rifle, takes some practice but once u get good at it, it can be great, things like shoot them up so they cant move and assasinate, shoot them up then shoot them in air to make them fly back ( have good aim), shoot your teammates forward. Some tips On Rifle: -Shoot at their feet first -shoot the tongue just ahead of them as they are about to get to it -shoot them if they get into the mouth into the sides so he will spit them out will add to main post then for more details should be able to read the post.
I Love It! I think you may have made the first game where killing yourself pays off and actually gets you points. This might be the first successful gametype to use that aspect of point earning.
I just came up with an awesome game idea... like yours, but two separate monsters. You launch a ball through a grav lift to make it in your monsters mouth, which starts a version of revball's scoring system to give you a point, and whoever feeds their monster more wins! Anyone who wants to use this can, i ish too lazy.
I love that the monster looks like the entrance to the sand cave in Alladin. This looks like a ton of fun!
Caught that did you? ha thx a lot for all the positive comments, im working on a couple more variants of this game type/map, probably a couple more that involve some more forging, but they are "secondary" to my big project but i suspect that will take a bit. Hope to hear more good things. Enjoy