Naval Battlefield v2.5

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by styxman34, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This version 2.5 of my most popular map, Naval Battlefield. The original post can be found here.

    Due to popular demand, Naval Battlefield is back and better than ever, fixing several gameplay breakers, and adding several things suggested by the community.

    Changes from v2.0 to v2.5:
    • Added a teleporter that takes people that jump into the water without a boat underwater, killing them.
    • Added some "parking spaces" to each base to make it easier for players to get out of their boats and on to dry land.
    • Fixed the "warthog blocking" problem, by adding a one-way shield, among other things.
    • Added health packs to each base.
    • Changed the layout of the main battlefield
    • Several changes for the sake of aesthetics
    • Added several soft and instant kill barriers around the map
    • Moved each team's bomb out of the spawn boxes, and into the bases
    • Added railings to the ramps on the bases.
    • Gave the outside of the bases more of a feeling that it is a dock.
    • Changed spawn times for weapons and vehicles.
    I didn't change the spawn rooms at all (besides moving the bomb), because I didn't feel that there was much to change, and also it wasn't as important as the rest of the map, and I was running VERY low on budget (I had $240 left).

    2x DMR
    2x Rocket Launcher
    2x Grenade Launcher
    2x Shotgun
    4x Frag Grenade
    2x Plasma Repeater
    2x Needle Rifle
    4x Plasma Grenade
    4x Machine Gun Turret*

    *Each base has 2 machine gun turrets on the outside of it.

    8x Warthog
    8x Mongoose
    2x Revenant

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    Multi Flag CTF/One Flag CTF
    Assault/One Bomb


    Spawn room:

    Spawn Room Exit:

    The "Parking Spaces":

    Blue Base:

    This is Jimmy:
    He's a bit...different.
    He likes this map a lot. But he was kidnapped by this man:

    The more awesome, Halo-version of Captain "Soap" McTavish:

    If you don't download this map, and experience the awesomeness, something bad will happen to Jimmy. You don't want that, do you?
    #1 styxman34, Dec 8, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  2. oO Heartless Oo

    oO Heartless Oo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Loool Nice Map! but i still want jimmy to die! :O
  3. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What?! Why do you want Jimmy to die?! He is Innocent (ok, maybe not).
  4. TXTCLA55

    TXTCLA55 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    great map! love the idea, one question....what if people just get out of the car and kill the others? or is there a teleporter in place to prevent this?
  5. Warriorii

    Warriorii Forerunner

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    cool a 2.5 of a great map did u make it so that if u get out of your car while in the water you die?
  6. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes. A teleporter that teleports only humans is on the entire map's main field. IF you step into the water, you will die.

    Edited by merge:

    What do you mean exactly? If you get out of your boat, and into the water (not on the dry land), you will be teleported underwater, so they die.
    #6 styxman34, Dec 9, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  7. Hank102938

    Hank102938 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excellent, I love maps that use the water. One suggestion, what if rather than using the giant walls as a boundary, extend the floor using them, and just use a soft kill zone so it feels more like an "open sea". Maybe, if the budge allows, use columns or some object to discreetly mark the soft edge of the map.
  8. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    That's not a bad idea...*thinks of making a 3.0*
  9. Sportnlife

    Sportnlife Forerunner

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    looks great! I downloaded it
  10. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm thinking of making a v3.0 of this (similar to the idea of Hank102938's, described above).
  11. guiltyspark412

    guiltyspark412 Forerunner

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    Dude, THIS IS AMAZING! How did you come up with the idea for this?
  12. styxman34

    styxman34 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I had the idea while browsing the forums. I found a thread saying they wanted warthog boats, which gave me the idea. I made version 1 (which sucked), and I had it up for a while. Once I got more acquainted with forge 2.0 I realized that it really was not very good.
    So, I set out to make a 2.0, and it took more than three times as long as v1.0.
    That was the first version I posted here. Following the community's response, I set out to add in more things, improve certain things, and fix some issues. Really it should be v2.1, but there were several changes that were easily noticeable.
    And now we have v2.5. I am currently in the process of making a v3 of the map, totally revamping it.
    A little preview here right now:
    Instead of the initial spawn boxes, cliff-like rooms overlooking the main field of play with weapons and spawns.
    Improved Bases
    More supported gametypes (probably)
    Much bigger playing field.
    Totally different style.

    Edited by merge:

    Ha, awesome, this has 1,337 page views.
    #12 styxman34, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011

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