Part of me wants to write make up some lengthy tale on how this map was shat out of the sphincter that is my Forge genius, yet part of me wants to just say **** it and keep things short (very much unlike my *****, but not my intercourse) and just name only the important stuff about this magical arena known as Harlot. Any of you that know me personally are well aware that I like to **** things so to you the option I'll choose is clear. For those of you in the dark, let me give you a hint: People who need hints are pussies. Okay, now that that is out of the way. Let me introduce you to my first ever finished map in Halo Reach so far, Harlot. Named after yours truly. Harlot is a one versus one map with a symmetrical layout that mimics forged MLG maps of yore. In the center sits a grassy patch of AstroTurf™ with a wonderful Grenade Launcher growing right out of it (yes, this map is that awesome.) The map was made specifically for one versus one and for a contest over (formerly, home of clan HollywoodHalo) where the goal is to create and submit a map for one versus one gameplay with the potential to support four versus four. To be blunt, four versus four on this map isn't all that great, yet the focus was to make a great one on one arena that is easy to navigate and fun to move around with a flow to it that is absolutely nothing like the kind a woman has because that is gross and I should feel bad for even writing that last statement. Your best bets are to try two on two at most with maybe a six man FFA maximum as spawns are mainly oriented for, well, one versus one. Supported Gametypes and Stuff That's it. Only Slayer. Deal with it, nerd. Oh, and before I forget to mention it, play your one vee one games with teams enabled because that's what I intended it for. Also, your best bet for a gametype is the standard Slayer variant with DMR starts, no secondaries, Sprint only, final destination. Oh, and weapons because that's important too I guess. Weapons and **** x1 | 120 | 5 Spare Rounds x4 | 60 | 3 Spare Magazines x4 | 30 | 2 Spare Magazines x2 | 60 | 5 Spare Clipazines x2 | 60 | 2 Spare Ma- Hey, wait a minute... By the way I totally stole those pictures from Spawn of Saltine's map post for his totally sweet map Infineighty. You could check his map out if you really wanted to but mine is just soooo much better. Oh and here's some wicked sick screen shots too. Did I mention I'm a professional photographer? Well I hope I didn't because I'm totally not but you probably wouldn't have known that without me telling you, huh? Special Thanks I want to thank my mom, the Academy, and my friends R i s e for giving me some **** awesome advice and suggestions, AceofSpades for absolutely nothing, my huge ***** for just being there for me, and of course, my bro JB for letting me kill him a bunch of times for action shots. Oh and anyone else I didn't mention that thinks they're worth being mentioned but probably aren't because if they were worth anything I would have mentioned them already. Also Gunnergrunt for making the map Vanilla which made me want to encase my lights in teleporter nodes and whoever though up using receiver nodes to place health packs on for that as well.
this looks AMAZING! but is it just me, or is the map a little too open? I don't know because I haven't played it yet, but I'll download and check it out, as for now I'll just say it's fine, when I really think it's way too open I'll edit my post. also you shouldn't put "bad words(LOL)" in your thread, I'm sure there are little kids out there searching for cool maps too.
Not sure you noticed but halo in all of it parts that I know of are rated M, that's for mature... which means if they play the game they are either already desensitized, their parents don't care, or they actually are old enough to play the game (glares at damned 10 year olds on Xbox live on reach and black ops) On topic now: the map does appear open... but looks can be deceiving so I will dl, I just had to point that language thing out right now.
Yeah, that was the intention. I've always wanted to make a arena style map in that vein but never got around to it until now. Also, It's not. The map is catered toward the DMR and Needle Rifle. The sight lines are open enough to keep action flowing well but with enough cover to prevent obscene amounts of spawn killing. Again, The phrase for when you don't know whether a gun uses a magazine or a clip. Like I've said before, it's open enough to cater toward the DMR and Needle Rifle's intended range but when you actually get in and move around the map, you notice that there is a lot of cover and escape routes to help you when you need it.
this map looks sweet. i like sides that you can kind of hide on like The Narrows. The cieling structer is really cool aswell. And to the people complaining about cursing... go play need for speed. This game is rated M, if you cant handle a few big boy words then stop playing or stop reading. If there is little kids that might read it, maybe parents shouldnt be dumb enough to let their kids have this game.
Love your post. Informal, casual -- obscene, but in a noticeably funny way. I'll give this a DL, though at the moment I have 300+ Forge World maps and I can't guarantee I'll remember that this one exists. Bungie shoulda let us tag our Local Files. D:
Hey. Guess what. No just guess. Stumped? Okay. This is a thread about my map, not the vulgarity of my post. Stay on topic or get out. Even if a child was to be looking for maps to download through Forge Hub, do you truly believe that he would even bother reading the post? Furthermore, the internet is a free medium to express yourself no matter how obscene. If you have a problem with my writing style or brand of humor than that is perfectly acceptable, just don't go out of your way to act like the typical over-protective Soccer mom and shed so much light on something so absolutely trivial that it shouldn't even be an issue. In any case, despite why a game received an M+ rating for in the first place, it is still an M+ rating. A game getting an M+ rating for Violence is no different than one for getting it for Language. Look, I didn't post a map with a write up that reflected my personality and idea of humor just for people to poop their pants over it being vulgar. I did it so people could play it, give me feedback, and give the people who find this sort of thing humorous a good laugh as a reward for actually reading the original post. If you don't like it, you can try this wonderful thing that most competent human beings are completely capable of doing (yet, you are seeming to lack) called ignoring it because attempting to censor just one single human being on the internet, of all places, in hopes of making the internet a safer place for children is a fruitless effort. Oh, and please explain to me how it is more than okay for children to play games that simulate violence, yet any sort of vulgarity is deemed disgusting and wrong? I'm very curious how anyone can have this sort of ass-backward thinking and be completely serious about it.
dont derail other people's map threads with your shitty opinions. if you have a problem with it and think its a genuine issue, you can report it to a moderator instead of crying and ruining another person's thread. *edit - directed at the other kid, not the OP
Thats where the problem lies, it is your opinion, and you are a minority in your belief of that here, also please don't comment in a thread if you have absolutely nothing positive or even anything to say that is on topic. I have reported your post by the way, have a nice day. On Topic just so I don't get flagged for spam or off topic or what-not: Ok Scobra, just wanted to point it out, seem its been said more than once... and it does seem to befit DMRs so it is reasonable to have it as open as it is, sorry if that just seemed like a stupid point to raise, especially since multiple people raised it.
Gotta admit, very clever way to make a popular thread. Just make it controversial. So I'm lookin at this map, and it looks to me like a damn good, arena-styled map that isn't midship. Which seems to be way too hard to find. I really do love it, the simplistic styling, the atmosphere, hopefully I'll get a few games in on it pretty soon.
No such thing as bad publicity, am I right? Thanks for the props, man. I put a lot of time in this trying to make it play well for one vee one games as it was not only my first ever one on one map I ever made, but the first map I ever made in the Colosseum and now my first map ever actually finished in Reach. I know that there are a couple problems on it as of right now that I should fix, yet will not name, but I felt that I'd rather post the version I made for the contest I initially built this map for.
I just wanted to say that I downloaded this map, because it looks genuinely interesting, but mostly for the writeup. Let's just hope the map is as good as the post
If it isn't, I'll refund you your download and apologize greatly for your disappointment in it followed by questions on how to improve anything negative about it. And glad you enjoyed the write up.
I thought the map was pretty sweet, but felt like it was actually too small. The top areas are great, but underneath there is no room to jump or maneuver really. Maybe if the lower portion was lowered some or the top raised it would feel more available. Otherwise it seems almost too much trouble to take the bottom route. Also, it seemed like you had a platform above your grav lifts that looks like it would make an awesome sniperish point that isn't too high or out of the way to take someone out from. In fact, when I went into forge and got on top of the cross beams you made simply for aesthetic appeal, I thought they would be awesome catwalks... You don't have to take any of my suggestions, but honestly adding some more vertical height would give that extra push for epic map I think.
You're forgetting that this map is made with the focus entirely on one versus one. There is more than enough spots to get an extra height advantage if you REALLY need it (the DMR arches can be jumped on to, as well as the attics in each base.) The top portions are focused on being more of an even playing field with sight lines stretching across the majority of the arena while the bottom serves as escape routes and areas to remove yourself from those sight lines when in a pinch. Just because something would be awesome doesn't mean it would work well from a gameplay standpoint. I admit, being on those ledges would be very advantages and awesome to use but to the point where it breaks the entire focus of the map while tipping the balance scale in a negative way. I like it when a map is simple and easy to learn from the get go, especially in a one versus one, and adding more height variation than necessary would over complicate things way too much for my liking. There is, admittedly, one spot I want to go back and add right at Green and Gold to give some variety in height (the same height as the Arches, to be precise) but I don't plan on doing anything with this map for a while. At least, until I learn the results of the contest I entered it for, regardless of whether it wins or not.