VIDEO : YouTube - [Machinima/Pub] Projet 343 Guilty Spark Remake MAP LINK : 343 Guilty Spark GAMETYPE LINK :The Floods
Wow this looks great from watching the vid, I guess this was in forge because of the elevator, if not you need to teach me I enjoyed the entire video, do you make machinima's ? anyway, at the bottom of your thread it says gameplay link, which means that the link leads to a video of people playing your map, but it goes to the Gametype you should edit that.
I have a couple of questions. Why do you have respawn points for humans when, suicides become zombies is enabled and friendly fire is disabled? Do you know that one of your hills is not labeled? You should note that Flood gametype has the havens disabled. I'm not sure I understand your Initial spawns and respawn set-ups. The forging is good and cool idea with the remake.
My friend make the montage , and i make the scenario I have edit the "gameplay" ^^ and for the respwan , i don't really understand ...
Oh the nostalgia While I cannot see the resemblance of the exterior, the interior of the level looks incredibly similar to the mission. Bravo! I am still wondering about the elevator myself. It must have been done in Forge, but if I were to delete it, would I actually be led into an interior?
You can see the player in forge mode in the clip at 01:33 when the clip fades out. And later on you can see the receiver node on the bottom of the elevator.
I can't begin to express how awesome this map is. You did a really good job at taking different areas of the level and merging them in together. Seems like a great map for infection as well. The forging is really clean, and it looks just like the Halo CE level. The exterior is the only thing that's a bit off, but it would have been hard to replicate 100% with the resources given.
It's impossible to remake the exterior Why Forge hub don't make a petition to bungie for have trees ?