This is my Channel to Voi. The Link to the Thread:
this looks good, but you should not have made the title "Channel to Voi, 1750+ dl's on" here at fh, we don't particularly care too much...if we find the map is quality, we will dl...also, the title does not meet the posting standards... anyways, the map does look pretty good, keep up the forging tactics
Personally, I think you should post more pics. In the third pic I see a sheild door on the upper level indicating a possible 2nd story? You definitely included that. The more pics the better
This looks good, but a weapons listing would be nice, hope there arent any shotguns or maulers or swords on this map because if there where it could potentially ruin it.
I love tunnel maps, and this looks strickingly similar to one that im working on now. Great map, keep up the good forgeing