most cod maps are gud but people need to stop w/t remakes and get the game. Everyone loves halo bu cod remakes are'nt 4 halo 3
You didnt have to qoute my whole thread,look at the bottom of the comments and itll say post reply,quoting is for either correcting what somebody said wrong,or responding.Anyway I wanted to actually make a shipment remake that is really matching to the one on CoD4 scince i saw other ones,they werent that matching.And it really doesnt matter if it isnt suited for halo,it isnt but its a remake and i tried to make the gametype as realistic as possible to cod4's gameplay,and after all its fun.So everyone please stop saying it isnt suited for halo,i know it isnt.And I do have my own ideas in maps,remakes are kinda fun to do.
Ivory, he probably just interlocked a wall into them or something like that, if i had to give a suggestion, i would say use fence walls to block of some ends of the boxes, this will allow people to shoot through just like in COD
You should go look back carefully on the regular CoD4 shipment and compare it to my shipment,it looks almost exactly like it,so if there are other remakes i didnt really know when i made this,so go look back,youll see.
he could use the back half of the map for certain spawn places such as little rooms with weapons on shelves and such, then teleporters to place you in the map... just a thought
Looks kind of simple, I know that Shipment in Call of Duty 4 was quite simple itself but maybe if you used an infinite money map, or even just editing this map. You could make some Fence walls instead of just walls. Make some scenery like in the real Shipment. I don't mean that the entire place needs to be Fence Walls. But just the parts that don't have wall behind them. More pictures! Some of the insides of the Boxes. Low ground. Use up the 20 pic. limite (it is 20 right?).