A fun track that I made with Ghosts. A great track to play with or without friends that has multiple routes. It starts off with a massive freefall to a solid platform which branches off into three ramps to the Island. Then there is a wide path that crosses over the water which narrows down and allows for advancing in position. Then there is a winding path that is surprisingly hard to stay on. Then boost up a steep slope onto the cliff tops. Then there is a massive canyon jump leading into a multi-route path. With a few hidden items to help give you an edge on the other players, if you can find them. Then there is a teleporter leading to a winding track surrounded by steep walls. Then there is dice valley leading to the central Island and the finish line.
Three "awsome" maps in one day. I'm not seeing that much creativity. That first "awsome" track had unique racing qualities, but the aesthetics of all the maps are lacking. Plus the post needs some more pictures to give an accurate picture of the race map. You should go back to the first "awsome" race map you posted, edit that one with the aesthstetics, then edit the other two so they differ from one another and call them something else. Just giving sum advice
I released them all on one day because I hadn't had Xbox Live when I made them so I couldn't put them on my file share until recently.