Explace layout: Humanity has landed on this ring they thought they where save to build a new spartan training program little did they all know the convnant has would there base deffend the training ground. This map contains; covenant weapons: 3* NEEDLE RIFLE 1* CONCUSSION RIFLE 1* EMERGY SWORD 1* PLASMA REPEATER 2* PLASMA GREMADES Human weapons: 1* shotgun 2* DMR 2* ASSAULT RIFLE 1* ROCKET LAUNCHER 2* FRAG GRENADES POWER UPS: 1* ACTIVE CAMO 1* CUSTOM POWER UP 1* OVER SHILEDS This is the middle view of what it looks like on top. This is the bottom view this leads right into blue or red base. This the view of the blue base looks just like the one on the red side. If you go up the ladders on the blue base it will take you into the spartan holding room. This is the gardan area looks peaceful but there are some places to hid beaware. I hope you all down load and have fun with this map as i had fun building this tuck me a while building and its mainly just for slayer but i thought to add more game types in for you guys enjoy and tell your friends and hope you all had a good christmas
Is it just me or did you just edit this map? If so that is not ok especially without crediting the original creator.
I do see the similarities in both maps but I assure you he did not edit the other one, Although it has some similar features and is not the same. Great job on the map, but I do see like you took some features from the other. Which is definitely alright. I am just stating the facts. Please Codyr2391, I know you thought so, but to save the embarrassment of the creator ask him the question you did above in a private message. We don't want people jumping to conclusion.
Now, hang on a minute. This person's map look almost EXACTLY the same as Infineighty, like those similarities are absolutely unmissable. You're going to need to delete this thread or change the map here, bud, because you are absolutely NOT allowed to post a map like this unless you have direct consent from Spawn of Saltine and proof of it AND his confirmation. So we have a problem, here.
hay dude i did not mean to take the map i only just found out my self after uploading and yes i did find it embarrasing once i found out so sorry if it does look like the other map but sorry for any conclusions
How can you not mean to take the map, and then also post said map? You just contradicted yourself buddy. When you post a map you damn well know what map you're posting. This needs locked.
Thanks for the concern guys, but instead of flaming the map creator you guys should have investigated a little bit more. Yes, my map and his look extremely similar. No he did not steal my map, though. He built his on the other side of the island opposite of where mine is located. I don't doubt that he copied some of the things I put in my map though since he has the water river with the rock sides, the ladder, weapon ledges made with railings, and the centerpiece I used. I don't care that he used some of the things I used. You guys can stop accusing him of stealing my map now. The map itself is really kind of goofy, though. I ran through and it doesn't look like you had any intentions for any of the things you put down. The most strikingly odd thing I found was 4 mancannon/ gravlifts bunched together that get you caught on the ceiling... so you may want to go back to the drawing boards and fix some stuff up. I also suggest you visit the Testers guild and get your next map tested before you release it.
hay dude thanks for the kind words but like they side it does look like your map so i rather delete it so i did not take it of you and ye i did not know what i wanted to put in one area so i just fabed around with it looked good for me hahaha, but if you can tell me how to delete the thred i woulder greatful for it cheers
Sorry I was not trying to falsely accuse you, I didn't actually bother looking closer but the similarities were so close I assumed they had to be intentional.
I find this whole situation pathetic. People have the right to create anything they want on forgeworld. Nothing on here is copyrighted. People are free to use other people's ideas as much as they want. the main thing is that he made stuff on his own, not have the EXACT same map.
... I feel retarded now. Sorry OP, you could ask a mod to remove all the replies saying it is stolen, though the resemblance is striking.