Anyone else buy this game yet? I think I'm nearly done with the solo game. Almost have my castle built in the Forest realm. Now I'm working on getting my kefling cannons to start playing some music. I need to get the music notes for Christmas Eve Sarajevo. I wanna get my kefling to play that when I drop him into the cannons. I think that's pretty kickass!
I have know idea what you're talking about; but that's probably because I don't have the game I think I'll get it soon though, probably before the end of Christmas break, is it worth it?
World of Keflings is more storylined and quest based. The quests take you to 3 different terrains. You're best bet is to follow the story line precisely, if you want to be sure to find all the blueprints and items. If you have played Kingdom of Keflings, then you'll find that they made some nice changes to the game... yet didn't change the basics. A lot of it will be very familiar. One noticeable thing is that you can actually build a wall around your castle this time... something I couldn't do in the original without taking out buildings. You're given a larger piece budget. I'm most intrigued by the music cannons. I really want to create a kickass song with them, but it's a matter of translating music to alphabet letters. In the cannon options, you can select the type of instrument, low/middle/high notes, and tempo. You can also put a counter on a cannon, so that you can go through a sequence X amount of times, then the cannon rotates clockwise 90º and resets after the kefling enters it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I have 100% collectibles if anyone needs them, just send me a request. Still need 4 emotes, though.
Next time I go out and pick up some MSP I'm definitely buying this game. I loved A Kingdom for Keflings and I've been looking forward to A World of Keflings pretty much since I saw you could buy stuff for it in the Avatar Marketplace.