ok so im making a fancy new invasion map based around a part in the book fall of reach, which is master chiefs side of the battle in 1 of my phases i have an objective of blowing up a mass driver after taking down its shields, there is another phase after that which i want to create pieces of the gun scattered about the battle field to make the map more realistic that when things blow up they dont just disappear the original gun is gated so it goes away so thats not a problem but getting the blown up pieces is. ive tried labeling the objects for INV_Weapon and INV_Vehicle with the proper spawn sequence but they still do not appear when i test run the map. I also checked the sticky thread already made about objects required and the bungie.net thread on it but i have yet to come up with anything other than what i have already tried. Thus i bring forth my question: Can anyone help? thankyou in advance for any insight and i will post my master piece once i have finished it
About 1:50 in this tutorial I explain phased object creation. YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 3: Invasion Part 2/2 Just make sure you've done everything right I suppose, but honestly I think you might have set the spawn sequence incorrectly. And remember when you have objects that spawn during a new phase they can't be set to spawn time never.
ok i see what was wrong i didnt realize that the spawn timing carried over for thing like this, it should work now thanks a bunch will post final map later and link it to this