Friggin hectic list David! I reckon I should post this thread up on the bungie forums and see what all the (8 year olds) halo players think of this.
Weapon Lock - Makes weapon Undroppable(Setting 1, Cannot be Dropped), Only Swappable(Setting 2, Only drop on weapon swap), Unswappable(Setting 3, Only Ammo Drop), Default(Default, derr) Global Gravity - Percentage of Object and Vehicle Gravity. Also affects players.
Just to name a few at the moment. I would like to have the zombies be effected by the Safe Zones in Infection, the option to pickup objectives but not weapons in gametypes (ctf, assault, etc.) and custom traits for all loadouts. Imagine what people could do with such possiblities in their hands. EDIT: Uhhh, okay I just saw that huge list. But I bolded the suggestion he forgot to mention.
they ruined my larged past time in H3 bumper cars you cant splatter with no damage it ruined my dream after the 1st week of reach... *sheds single tear* (if i just overlooked a way to do it, please enlighten me)
FFA Territories with players dealing no damage works. Simply have the map suspended in midair with a death pit below. If someone falls off they die. Last person remaining captures the Territory (make sure to set it up so that the territory is insta-captured, just incase the last man falls off at about the same time as someone else). To make it so that the game doesn't insta-end when everyone dies, have players respawn in a "viewing box" outside of the territory. Isn't ingenuity awesome!? Also, I just realized that you can make a game Elite-only by using Elite Slayer, and likewise make it Spartan-only by using Slayer Pro. Meh, they (Bungie) still probably should have included an actual setting for this so people knew.
I made a gametype that has an *ugh* honor rule and it could have been easily avoided if there were Stockpile settings that allowed players to have specific traits when in their own scoring hill.
Base Player Traits > Fall Damage Resistance: INVULNERABLE (That's a typo in the quote; I shoulda said "Invulnerable". 0% Fall Damage Resistance would make a drop from any altitude kill you instantly, no?)
Updated the op with some new suggestions. - specify amount of tiers in invasion (1-5) - separate traits for Spartans and Elites - more tier types (slayer, assault, territories, koth, etc) - health enable/disable
Starting/respawning in vehicles like in Race, but used with the other gametypes like KoTH, for example would be nice. Team Elimination points like in H3's Slayer options (not sure if it's in Reach or not), but implemented to every gametype would also be cool for a Search and Destroy styled gametype. As much as I'd love for a lot of these to happen, it seems like we'll have to use Forge to get around these limitations.
a One-sided version of Stockpile would've been fantastic. One team tries to collect all the flags in a round, and the other team would try to stop them.
Moar. Infection Show Haven Boundaries (Default*/Enabled/Disabled) Invasion Allow Spawning On Fireteam Members (ASOFM) (Enabled/Disabled) ASOFM If "Area Not Safe" (Disabled/Enabled) ASOFM If "Enemies Nearby" (Disabled/Enabled) ASOFM If "Teammate In Combat" (Disabled/Enabled) ASOFM In Capture Points (Enabled/Disabled) [per-phase] Move Bomb/Core If Blocked (Disabled/Enabled) (used if vehicle wreckage, etc., blocks access to/pickup of the item) [per-phase] Add To Timer On Reset (Disabled/1-180) (adds extra time if Bomb/Core resets) KOTH Show Hill Boundaries (Default*/Enabled/Disabled) Race/Rally Checkpoint Capture (Driver/Passenger/Vehicles Only/On Foot Only/Any) (who can trip a checkpoint?) Checkpoint Traits Stockpile Goal Traits Territory Contesting (Enabled/Disabled) (if disabled, defenders can't stop/slow a capture by being in the Territory) Round Ends When All Captured (Enabled/Disabled) (symmetrical games only) Scoring Mode (Default/Possession Time/Number Held) Show Territory Boundaries (Default*/Enabled/Disabled) * For zone boundaries, "Default" refers to Reach's current behavior, where objective boundaries are hidden if the objective is an equipped AA, weapon, etc.. Note that Stockpile (and possibly other gametypes) behave inconsistently in this regard, and display boundaries for equipped AA objectives. (Or maybe it's just shown for Jetpack?)
Head Hunter. You CANNOT get this to work in a team-only fashion while still supporting FFA properly. Asymmetry and Symmetry are not options for this gametype, so you can't set drop points to spawn under those restrictions. You can't label them FFA or Team only, without suddenly not being drop points... So I'm unable to have a static drop zone for the respective team while still supporting the sporadic drop zones for FFA. SOOO... a simple addition - add in the Option for Asymetrical and Symmetrical for Head Hunter.
Funny, cause that's how most team stockpile games end up. I've never played one game where both teams tried to get flags.
agreed. [br][/br]Edited by merge: you're right, of course, but don't think you headhunter would be a little boring with a static zone? I think the best part of that gametype is the chance aspect of scoring, and that huge pool of skulls constantly moving around the map
I think th reason there is more than one standard setup available in each gametype list is to allow us to create some of these settings that we cannot find. For Example, you can have onlt elites simply by editing the elite slayer standard setup to your required specs, but i can see what the probem is, that you can only play slayer with just elites, it would be nice to be able to play CTF and KOTH as elites.
one thing i would like that probably no one cares about - invasion option for everyone to be in their chosen colors. you don't really need red and blue, if you're a spartan, shoot the elites, and vice versa. I just think it'd be an interesting different test of skill, instead of looking for the opposing color, you'd look for the opposite species. just a thought
Yes. Definitely. [br][/br]Edited by merge: That would be awesome! I always thought invasion was a bit weird how it was red vs blue. Even Spartan green vs blue would be better!