I was like 45 but i got bored, there should be some areas for big fights. I cant really find anywhere interesting to go. Great game, i wish they Bethesda stuck with what they are good at, now they have gone downhill in my opinion.
True true. I have never felt the urge to play any of Bethesda's other games, because they just aren't good. At all. Chameleon isn't near as much fun as 100% reflect damage though, because you get to enjoy the enemy killing themselves without any work.
it's easy to get 100% charmeleon if you enchant items, i have acheived it before, then i realised could just cast a spell so i decided to do that instead.
On Oblivion I kinda destoyed my main character by acquiring a bounty of 16 1/2 thousand gold, yeah, not good. That is an Argonian, level 48.
thats for the PC versino right? i got it, but it was very slow on my crappy PC so i stuck to the xbox version.
Yea, the Xbox version doesn't have a console code. A lot of people I know have trouble running Morrowind not extremely slowly on PC, so even if you do have a crap PC, it probably isn't the whole problem...
is morrowind really THAT much better than oblivion? If it is i will go buy it b/c oblivion was hella fun
did you just blaspheme? MORROWIND WAS EPIC... a huuuuuge storyline... huuuuuge world... huuuuuge amount of things to do... my god... I love that game..
i'm sorry, I didn't own an xbox till about a month before the 360 came out, and all I played was halo on it anyway. But why? what made morrowind so much better than oblivion, ecpecially since oblivion had/has dlc, which makes it all the more awsome
oblivion was no where near as creative or amazing as morrowind, i mean sure, oblivion had gods mosters villains and all that crp, but they were very traditional eg. trolls minotaurs ogres. but in oblivion you had so much more, also, the landscape was much cooler in morrowind, i mean ashlands, who woulda thought of that?
oblivion is a 9.7/10 in my book, but if they opened it up for modding on the 360 to it would be perfect
Morrowind is what Oblivion wished it could be, it was so more inventive, i would have been amazed if oblivion could even stand up to the scope of morrowind.
I've never played Morrowind, *schock*. I do own Oblivion though, great game. Level 51 Dark Elf with basically all quests completed and all houses owned. Only bad thing about Oblivion was the leveling system. The system where the game leveled with you was great, however it needed updating. It didn't really make the game any harder except against bigger creatures such as ogres. If you increased the difficulty slider they took about 3 min to die but if you lowered it, everything else was far to easy to kill. Unbalanced IMO.
I have oblivion and everyone says its huge but it's tiny. dagerfall was too big though it ha somethng like 1500 towns and cities. the graphics were crap
GREETINGS. I am a level 38 night elf mage! And I can cast spells from afar and beyond reality. /sarcasm
the main problem i have with the leveling system is how the gameplay doesn't get tougher or easier as you level up because of how all the creatures around you level up alongside you. basically leveling up is just a way to get fancy armor that makes little difference.