Don't get me wrong, Forge World is great and all, but it is also disappointing. I like the Island on Forge World (as do a lot of people) but it sucks for building maps. First off, the whole shape of the island makes it so that there are only 3 or so good places to make bases (Those three places are used on Paradiso). Whenever someone makes a map on the Island, it emmediately reminds everyone of Paradiso because of the locations of the main bases. The size of the thing doesn't help either. Seriously, the thing is small. It seemed big when they first showed it, but really most of the playable space is used up by the giant mountain that is so cleverly placed on it to limit the available space. Plus it's so close to the mainland that it doesn't really even seem like an island. You look one direction, and you see Forge World's ocean, and it seems like an island. Then you look the other way and see a beach and a bunch of cliffs sitting right across a strip of shallow water. It ruins the whole island feeling, which can in turn ruin a map. In my opinion the island is the coolest place to forge, but they just had to make it crappy for making maps.
when you think of it, you're actually 100% right and I agree with all you said. btw you shouldn't double post threads, you've also posted this in the "halo reach discussion" section
Sorry about the double posting. I didn't think the other one actually posted so I thought this was a better place for it.
This is all true if you're an amateur. Most good forgers don't forge in predefined places (or at least all the time) such as the quarry, or the Colosseum. You'll find random places such as along the cliffside, or perhaps on gulf on Paradiso island. You just need to know how to be creative. And seriously? It's too small? The amount of maps I could build on Paradiso Island alone could last me to the end of Reach's life span. Look at these images of upcoming maps by AceofSpades that I didn't get permission to show. Spoiler Both of those build on the island, perhaps not in conventional spots but that's what makes them so amazing. When you forge in 'different' areas, places that aren't generally used your map will look so much better. So you're argument on the size of the island of the places to build on it, really aren't valid in the least sense; simply because you're not creative enough to utilize it. And it's too close? You realize they must work within the parameters of the xbox's processing powers. Reach had cut it very close in terms of how much the Xbox can handle graphically; hence the frame rate drop when lots of items appear on screen at once. And as for your last sentence: In my opinion the island is the coolest place to forge, but they just had to make it crappy for making maps. Lol, did you seriously contradict yourself in the same sentence?
the problem with the island is that unless you use the mountain, it ends up interrupting gameplay and being a nuisance, and if you don't use it, it either becomes a giant pain in the ass obstacle or you only use half the island and it feels incompldte
the problem does not lie with the island. you are the problem. find a creative solution. im tired of threads with people blaming forgeworld for their own lack of creativity.
Nicely said. There are so many things you can do on the island and any other area in forge world, you just gotta think outside of the small cardboard box distributed by UPS from some where across the country...or you could just think outside the box. In all honesty, what would you have expected Bungie to have done with the island so that it wasn't so close to the beach? What, place it in the middle of the ocean 2-3 miles away from the rest of forge world?
It's up to you to control what the player sees. Don't blame Bungie for that. The Forge world is an amazing achievement in gaming. It's the beginning to what hopefully many games will follow in doing. You are the perfect example as to why society will never be satisfied. One way or the other, you'll find something wrong with the latest and greatest thing. Learn a thing or two about how much works goes into making a game and then maybe you'll learn to appreciate and make the most out of what you're given.
Yeah I agree with what has been said right above me. You don't have to build on the island if it doesn't fit what you are thinking of....There are tons of spaces around forge world with more flat room in it if that's what you need. And like people have said, there is infinitely more room if you use your imagination and plan ahead instead of confining yourself to just what you see in front of you. Too me it sounds like you keep trying to make a map but your only reference is Paridiso so all your maps end up looking like it. I have to tell you, I've seen many maps built on the island section and NONE of them look like Paridiso. The Island's strengths come in aesthetic maps. I've seen many maps utilizing the shallow water sections on the Island. Almost all Race maps use it as there is nice transition areas for vehicles. So while nothing is perfect, don't blame the space's faults for your own
So far with my ideas I have found absolutely no use for it. I've built my maps on it and felt they'd be better off in other areas. That's not to say I don't think it's useless. I'd like to build something on it one day, but it will require a bit more planning. When I plan out a map, location is almost last on my mind. Sure, it's important, but I pay more attention to the things I'm creating, then I adapt them to the area I build them on. I agree with you that it's a bit difficult to work with, but that's the point where you just have to adapt your ideas to the location or move somewhere else. As for size.. I think it's big enough. It's just that the amount of conventional workspace is a little scarce. In which you'll have to do a bit more thinking.
Yeah, definitely a little disappointing. I was hoping that it would be an Avalanche type thing but no luck
Play tested a map not all that long ago that was built on the island. Reminded me nothing whatsoever of Paradiso, in fact took over half the game before anyone even realized we were on the island. And no it was not a covered map. It was very open and used the natural terrain very effectively and had some very unique structures on it. Even played well from the start even for 8 player FFA.
back when i was a little kid and up until about Vietnam, i thought the same way about the island. but then a friend of mine made a nice little map that used the island for not what it is-an island- but what it looks like-a mountain-. he inprovided like a pro that he is and turned the little place into a volcano, lava and all though it doesnt take place on the map it does serve a purpose to my point: dont use the ground for what it is. like some others have stated earlier in the thread. use something in forge world thats unorthodox to make a map. ive seen all to many maps come from nothing places. for example: i used: the area between the colosseum mainland and the pillar, the water way from the pillar to the island, a small section of rock that should be out of bounds but isnt (above the pillar), and the tiny little rocks that stretch behind the pillar to make an invasion map.... no one ive seen has ever thought of using a place like that, which is why i did just look for the small things and a map will build itself
Don't remember the name but remember it being very colorful. Guy had a rainbow set of curved steps on it.
My only problem with Forge World is that I can't build anything underneath the giant waterfall. So much potential fun wasted away. And really, if your personal style doesn't fit the island... build somewhere else. Really it's that simple.
@ gametime 49 can you put a link to a video or the download or the thread that map sounds insanely original and sounds complicated
Ahem... LAG!!! And a really annoying sound that over rides most of the other game sounds when you are close enough to it.