Introduction: Welcome to the first installment of a map pack that I will be creating called, "The Prestige Map Pack." The pack will consist of 3 unique maps, each making you crave the next. Most items on the map are interlocked in order to give it more of a "map-like" feeling. Each map has thoroughly tested weapon placements, map geometry, and specific gametypes for the map. Without further delay, I present to you the first map of this pack, called "Trench Creek." Enjoy! Map Description: The original design for this map was to have fusion coils falling every 60 seconds to simulate an airstrike. But that idea was taken out in the early going because of issues it created with the gameplay of the map. - 2 trenches are located on either side of the map. - A river made out of shield doors is in the middle of the map. - A bridge going over the river is located in the center of the creek. Map Gametypes: Trench Creek supports many asymetric gametypes such as One-Bomb, One-Flag, and VIP. I have also provided a custom gametype that portrays real-life scenarios. Gametype: Elimination Type: SWAT Gametype Description: This is a gametype that I, myself, have created that is intended to simulate real life. Elimination is also the original gametype that I intended this map to be played with. No shields, no covenant weapons, just regular human vs. human combat. 5 rounds of 3 minutes each. The rounds end when all of one team is eliminated. Download Trench Creek Here:
It looks pretty cool. I think it would benefit you if you embeded the pictures. Its not very sloppy like some of mine.
The telepoerters make the map look weird, but the rest is ok. mabye putting more pics?. P.S nice airstike idea (cod4 much?)
Thanks for the quick feedback, this is obviously my first time posting my map and I appreciate the help.
mabye you could connect some floating objects to the ground like the trench or bridge or mabye use some more interlocking. it would make your map more realisistic.
Wow, I love this community, My map hasn't been posted for maybe 10 minutes and already I'm getting loads of feedback, I will take all of your ideas into consideration.
Nice map! Loads of interlocking can be found and i can tell you tested alot before you posted this just more pics would have made this better and probably gotten it a 5/5 rating, but 4/5 aint bad either! nice work
This looks alright but tthey dont seen like trencehes.Maybe make a v2 and have them merged in the fround maybe?
I like the bridge in the middle...definitely could use some more pics... Great job on your first post though
Looks great, not what I expected when there was only the one pic. Worth a dl, but I have no free slots
"more pics," "more pics," "more pics" i think what they were trying to say was...more pics... lolz no but seriously, this map is epic for your first post 4/5 from me, the only critique i have really, is that there could be some geo-glitching (interlocking items with the map itself) that helps to give it that feel you were going for originally of trying to give it its own "map feel"
By no means is the wall that I made easy to break, in fact. A simple grenade jump could possibly get you over parts of it. I will try to post more pictures for everyone tonight, because that seems to be the common idea here, lol.
It looks pretty good, however I do think that releasing a "map pack" is a pretty lame idea. I mean, I don't think it's bad to create and release three maps, it's just instead of getting individual attention for each, you just clump them together... I would suggest not releasing a "pack" and instead releasing three good maps... I plan to download and play this map...
This looks really cool, but im afraid that some people might fall in the hole by the wall of foundry, try puting a double wall on the box near the gap, or merge it with the geometry.