Most of you know that a service called ENA blocks restricted content from school servers, so students will use the internet for controlled purposes. The only problem is that it has a very strict guideline to follow. Students have learned how to get past this by typing in "https" in front of the address. For some websites, ENA has blocked this feature. There was a site called "noneedhallpass" (https://[B]noneedhallpass[/B].com/) that would be a redirect to sites related to gaming or personal work such as myself, working with C++ coding is not allowed, that is how strict the system is. If anyone can try to post an alternate way of accessing "restricted" sites on a school server, please post them. I am sure many people would be greatly appreciated for your help.
Don't look at porn or play flashgames at school. Problem solved. Isn't their a new browser that no one blocks?
Guys, don't we live in America? I know I sure don't, but having access to and at all times is a human right. Just kidding, that's kind of pathetic bro. You can't wait 6 hours? Children these days.
Oh jesus. Haha so ironic. My school actually ENCOURAGES flash games, because students at my school used to love to play network based games like Halo and Age of Empires. It put too much stress on your network, so the Server administrator actually came in one day and, I quote, "Play flash games"
I tend to agree with that. Just do your work, playing catch up sucks. You'll get what, a few minutes on a website or game until the teacher finds out and kicks you off the computer? You're going to have to spend the time at home catching up on your work when you should have been doing your work in class, so you're not gaining any extra time on the computer at all. My school let us do LAN parties after school back in the day.. till the people who funded our school found out. That and the teacher who hosted them turned out to be having a relationship with a student. Oh lawd.
Normally, I wouldn't be an advocate for goofing off in school...but I myself have found that I finish many projects ahead of their due dates, leaving me in the computer lab with nothing to do. But, yes, you can get past their proxies, and with what you're describing, it won't be difficult at all. All you need is a flash drive. From there, download the latest version of Ultrasurf. Ultrasurf is a proxy sock program which will allow you to bypass almost any web filters. It's completely free, and doesn't need to be installed. So, run it from your flash drive, it comes with internet explorer, which is tailored for use with Ultrasurf. Ultrasurf Website- Use it wisely.
I'm sure many people are in Computer Graphics, as am I, and we don't have access to all the resources we should be allowed.
Ah, good ol bypassing the proxies... I have no need for it seeing as I'm friends with the student that runs our school's network (yes, student) if I ask, he will unblock any site thats not porn. really helps when I'm done with all of my projects in photography and am just sitting at the computer for an hour and a half (thats how long our classes are) but yeah, it rocks being a senior and having friends that do this kinda stuff for a living.