Yea, whenever its spartan VS elite in swat the elite will always win. Bungie really should sort it out
The gametype is just flawed with the Halo system and hardly takes any skill. If Halo had better spawns, tigher BR spread, less of a host advantage, and way to make it Spartans only the playlist would have a chance.
I just still love SWAT, I am a 32 and well on my way to 50, and I get past the problems. Play as an elite I say, don't whine, and...... spawn camp.
Ehh, there is some skill to leading your shots, but it is too random the majority of the time. SWAT really brings out the worst of it also.
I stopped playing SWAT after I got the most BS match ever. The opposing team literally had spawn camping down to an art and annihalated my entire team before we could even move a step. Spawn-dead , spawn dead, entire match. screw SWAT for now.
Wait... you're telling me to stop whining. I'm just messing with you Brute; you know I love you in a heterosexual way . SWAT is straight up garbage.
I dont really care about Elites usually, but they piss me off in SWAT. Why cant they just be banned? (for swat, that is) Why dont we all just wear fishbowl helmets? (jk) Team Swat is okay. Sometimes i get too frustrated, and i only played like 5 or 6 games, but i'm still a 4...:-[
I' ve never really noticed the elite problem in Swat. I play Spartan all the time, and I still destroy them. In my opinion, the elite's big, bobbling head makes it a lot easier to shoot from both the front and the sides. It's just headshots from the back that are a problem.
I've just noticed that on swat if you get ghost town, avalanche or blackout they are not specially edited for swat meaning that the active camo and overshilds are still there and obtainable