haha yea lol its tru... if only we did have some say, not a ton, but enough to say, tht map sucks (foundry default), take it off nd put up a better one
Anything that's not a remake in the competitive section is fine by my count. I don't think they're going to be replacing it with a community map. Maybe a Featured, but most likely their own variants like Boxed In.
Well it isnt all that great of a map and should have a few community made maps thrown into the playlists but which ones. And of course everyone would e-mail bungie and just call the hell out of them saying pick my map pick mine! While people who have the good maps just sit quietly.
Yes it should, this is the best source for forged maps. THey couldn't change the default layout in the map you choose in custom games and forge but they should change the map on foundry in matchmaking to something awesome. Something that uses all areas of foundry. Which is the kind of map I want to make but nothing has come to me yet. Main reason I hate default foundry is that the doors in the middle of the corridor is still there in aysmmetric games, its an annoying spot for oddball.
If they took the time and did it right, the best thing to do would be have the best maps for each game type come up with the game type. Like Porcelain Pony for assault. ect. ect.
perhaps a different variant for each gametype? i mean it would be extremely hard to find a map that plays as well as we want it to on all gametypes so why not just have a different variant for each one? if so, i vote for unchained as FFA!
and i vote barrel blaster for mosh pit! ^_^ no but seriously, the default (as said before) sucks...especially in swat/snipers, all it takes is for you to spawn, and BAM you're dead...lots of spawn killing is involved...and besides that, they did a sloppy job, for god's sake, line some crap up evenly...also you can get on top of the damn crane! those foundry forge nooooobs!!! /rant
i never noticed you could get on the crane, oh well learn something new every day. and definetely barrel blaster for KOTH and pallet parade for TD, possibly the citadel for territories and @different level for TS.
well, there's two ways, A: you grab the grav lift, get on the rocket boxes, jump towards crane and wahlah! B: you grenade jump, not as healthy for the next few seconds, but still...kahblam! Edit: 3 ways, C: team jump...duh...forgot :-X
I hate the default foundry, they should replace it but they probibly won't. The main issue is with the spawns, in swat its just hell!