MAC cannon Hull Captain's quarters Bridge Part of barracks Power core stabilizer room Medical room Heavy cargo ONCE AGAIN, I have made a cruiser and ONCE AGAIN, you can make it your own or just admire the beauty. EDIT: I was not trying to replicate something it was straight out of my mind. I wanted it to look more slim and sleek but the damage was already done so I posted it and hoped for the best.
Erm......I'm not sure what UNSC ship this is because I know none that look like this. But hey, you made a mac cannon which is a very nice feature. Also many other cool things on the interior just try to add a little bit more aesthetics next time around mkay? All in the best ~ Ociee
From the outside, this looks absolutely nothing like a ship of any kind. The inside is just as important, but you really should spend more time on outer aesthetics.
It looks like a bazooka. Think of it this way: When you're making food for someone else or even yourself, there are two things that have to be followed in order for your meal to receive an A. Your food has to not only taste good, it has to look good.
Are you trying to replicate a certain kind of ship? If so, I recommend getting some pictures or something to base you're design off, so it doesn't look like you made it up on the spot. It's not bad, but not good either. Mediocre. 6/10. EDIT: Canvas map is not Anchor 9.