That thing is so accurate its not even funny. They could easily mass produce these, marketing them as ATV and/or off-road vehicles and make one hell of a profit --dc
I doubt the police would allow people riding with fake guns on top. [Terrorists with real guns and killing everyone] lol. Now why would you want a Scorpion?
That is sweet! I would totally buy one. To make it legal, they could make it like the Civilian 'Hog on headlong.
Looks like the WETA site down in Wellington. Would also explain the NZgamer tag on the bottom right of the screen. I might go down and see it one day lol.
to add to the mass-production idea, why not do the same thing with the mongoose? they would be so much easier to produce and think about riding one ^_^
It looks more like a Puma. It should of been named a Puma. Although the detail on that Warthog is amazing. I really hope they make other vehicles for the movie also. That would be amazing if they made a Ghost or Banshee or even a life-sized tank, Scorpion or Wrath.
This is the future of sport utillity vehicles. Just add coup seats in the back, replace the turret with a trunk, and give it dragonfly doors like a DeLorean. Well worth wasting 60K on. Of course, we could use it in a specialized Halo paintball course financed by WETA and Bungie. Just load the turret with paintball hoppers.
that's probably be true. which means they'd have to make a TROOP HOG! yay! troop hogs are more fun to drive anyway (in the campaign), and bungie won't let us ride them in the game (not campaign), so why not in real life? that'd be awesome to have a 'hog.