Forerunner Planet from Halo 3 BETA

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by I RIFT I, May 6, 2008.

  1. I RIFT I

    I RIFT I Ancient
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    Okay, so I was sifting through old Halo 3 screenshots, deciding which to delete and what not (I was running out of space on my drive, so I started backing everything up and removing it from my primary drive), and I remembered having this screenshot form the BETA.

    Now this may have already been talked about, but just in case, I started this thread, and just in case,


    Alright, well if you've beaten the Halo 3 Campaign on Legendary (or just watched it on youtube), then you know there's a funny looking, very Forerunner-esque planet at the very end of the game. Well, I noticed that this planet from the BETA version of Snowbound looked exactly like it, but the final version of Snowbound is just a dark planet.

    I really don't know what to make of it, just thought I'd bring it up here at FH, as it seems like a good place to discuss it.


    The planet behind the jumping red guy. If you look closely, you'll see it looks a lot like the ending cut-scene planet, what with the lights and all.

    On a major side-note, anyone else also miss that on the original version of this map, one base was lit and the other was dark? And the weird sphere things in them were different too? Like one was floating and the other was just touching the ground, but if the threw the drainer on the floating one, it would fall to the ground and never pop up again? Why did they take that out of it?..... moving on.

    Anyone care to expound to my query, presumably without malice or crude diction.
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ummm... it is called when Bungie changes the level from the BETA that not everything will stay the same. So basically, this is really pointless because the scenery in maps can greatly change from BETA to final product...
  3. I RIFT I

    I RIFT I Ancient
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    Sooo.... you don't think it's interesting that the Forerunner planet is in the background.... you know, just for fictions' sake. That means that there would have been a Covenant outpost near said planet or something... I thought it was interesting anyway.
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Conspiracy theories!!! Woop-woop-woop!

    This is so sad that I could cry. Conspiracy theories are a glitch in the human logic core.
  5. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    Conspiracy theories are just that - theories, many of which have lots of evidence backing them up. Like the freemasons controlling the U.S.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Oh, and like how we never landed on the moon. Right.

    Conspiracy theories represent a known glitch in human reasoning. The theories are of course occasionally true, but their truth is completely uncorrelated with the believer's certainty. For some reason, sometimes when people think that they've uncovered a lie, they raise confirmation bias to an art form. They cut context away from facts and arguments and assemble them into reassuring litanies. And over and over I've argued helplessly with smart people consumed by theories that they were sure were irrefutable, theories that in the end proved to be complete fictions.
    Young-Earth creationists, the Moon landing people, the perpetual motion subculture...
    Can't you see you're falling into the same pattern?
    (XKCD Reference FTW)
  7. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    from what ive heard even in the the proper game that planet is a forrunner planet because it has there symbols on it if you look at it with a sniper but its not the same forrunner planet chiefs headding to.:cool:
  8. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Well the chief was heading for Marathon...... Not a Forerunner Planet.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    and how do you know that?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    People are investigating a bit too much. Maybe they just thought that the planet clashed with the snow or something.
  11. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Hah, I saw this last night but didn't feel like posting about this.

    First of all, thats a sweet screenshot. I like the feel of it.

    Now to the main point of this post. It does indeed look like the planet Chief was heading to. And everybody knows that Bungie loves to throw little clues out there. I mean, it doesn't show any more of what the planet might be, but it certainly is a cool thing to see this planet for a second time. Oh and Nemihara, you are crazy.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I think its just coincidence. The plannet at the end of Legendary is Oynx isnt it?
  13. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    No, Matty, Onyx disintegrated into a million sentinels at the end of "Ghosts of Onyx" The whole planet was made from a wierd type of transformer-esque sentinels fused together.
  14. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    Well when I did halo in legendery it was in Co-Op and someone skipped the video!

    so I never saw it :(
  15. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Dang, that sucks. Although you could watch the thousands of Youtube videos that show the end of the Legendary Campaign, but that's no fun. Instead, all you do is play the final mission on Halo, from the last checkpoint, and beat it from there, I think. And don't push any buttons, or it'll happen again!

    But on topic, the idea of this is that Bungie wants you to think. It may look like it, but theories such as this aren't always the truth.
  16. E93

    E93 Guest

    Pretty sweet.
    I never played the beta, but i wish i had, just to see what really changed. And i saw some videos of people in Valhalla, that just went up to the moon with Banshees. Crazy.
  17. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I swear to god if one more person brings the marathon theory into FH on another thread im shooting them XD....
    Also Onxy isnt gone.The OUTSIDE dissolved into sentinels but the onyx is still there as the wierd dark-matter core thingy...or whatever forerumnner use to contract space and time.So yes he could still be heading to onxy OR another shield world.
    People need to give up the theories and just wait,face ones going to get it right because bungie are going to read these and go "F*** that lolololololololol" its human nature to assume no one else is right after all.
    Its an interesting theory but its kinda pointless(this is to the actual snowbound one)
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    They are called easter eggs, there are quite a few in Halo 3
  19. NWPLoKi

    NWPLoKi Ancient
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  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Any time anyone mentions legendary ending that link pops up.
    If you look through it has actually been proven wrong,just the proof is being chocked by foolish people who either didnt read it and are just spamming insults or are dumbstruck by the shiny words and are just posting the copy pasted "GREAT THEORY" answer

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