Where in the world is Master Chief?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Y35 <3, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    It seems that some people are not understanding why you see a nebula in the legendary ending.
    MIKEFLOUNDERS said it best.
    Posted by: MIKEFLOUNDERS
    Small Magellanic Cloud is 200,000 light years away from our galaxy ,our galaxy is 100,000 light years across so the radius is 50,000 light years so 2.5 galactic radius would be 150,000 light years to where chief is and 50.000 light years the the small magellanic cloud in the back ground so he is prity much still in our universe and in marathon you tack off from earth in the marathon as a secruity guard....

    Halo 3 takes place 200 YEARS before marathon, When master chief's part of the ship slips into the marathon universe, It is still the same exact year he was just in. He floats in space for 200 years until you see the colonized mars appear, And then get eclipsed by the sun eclipsing luna in the background.



    At the beginning of the legendary ending, Right where Cortana is awaking the chief from his little nap, You see a small object that looks just like the security com device that the security bots in marathon had.

    It also shows in the halo 3 permutation.
    Take a look - Picture proof.
    Side view / back view of the security helmet permutation ( adds the communication box )
    http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a298/Jspgameboy/securitycom side.jpg
    And now the beginning of the legendary cutscene... You can clearly see the Com box floating with the cheif
    http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a298/Jspgameboy/?action=vie w&current=Securitycom.jpg

    And if you have a counter-theory, Then please support yourself with any type of source available, Pictures, Interviews, Anything except of rumors, Or what is widely believed without proof.
    If you don't, You will be insulted. =]

    As the frigate escaped through the portal, Cortana states that the portal collapsed just as they were going through.

    Which means the other half that the arbiter was in, made it completely through.

    It is my theory ( 100% positive in my head ) , That when the portal collapsed, It did so on the master chiefs side of the ship, Sending them into another universe. The arbiter is in the halo universe, In the same time, But chief + cortana are in the marathon universe.
    You can also see a resemblance between the planet in the cut scene, and the planet image "Infestation" That was involved in part of IRIS.
    This image was from server 2.

    Look at the legendary cut scene, Look where the light originates from, Then look at that picture.
    You are looking at an early mars, From the game marathon, With the sun eclipsing Luna, Which creates the big flash of light.

    Do you want absolute proof that this is mars?

    http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a298/Jspgameboy/UPDATEDDIAG RAM.jpg


    Some people think that MB sent master chief back into time, This is NOT possible, Why? In the last cutscene, Lord hood says " Its hard to believe he's dead ".
    If MC would have in fact been sent back in time by Mendicant Bias, I am fairly sure that Master chief would have stopped the flood earlier, Which would mean that lord hood and arbiter would not have even been involved in an alliance.

    The next game that bungie puts out will take place in this universe, They ended the story ark with the flood, And now they will make a game that involves the marathon story ark.

    Another thing, Cortana and chief do not know that they are in an alternate universe, They think that somebody will find them. But think about this, Being since the arbiter escaped through the portal completely, He must be in the same exact place as the chief, BUT IN THE HALO UNIVERSE. WHICH IS WHY EVERYONE BELIEVES THE MASTER CHIEF IS DEAD. THEY BELIEVE THAT HIS SIDE OF THE SHIP WAS DESTROYED, BUT IN FACT IT IS IN THE MARATHON UNIVERSE.

    This has renewed my faith in bungie writers, Well played.

    And to people that say this theory isnt possible because of the different universe thing, in the game Marathon Infinity, the main character can travel between universes and dimensions.

    Trogdor404 said it best: ( I did not quote because one of my older threads got locked for quoting too many people )

    1. Marathon takes place on a ship called marathon, but the ship is actually a hollowed out moon of Mars
    I never put that in bold, wtf?
    2. The Iris and the Mars photos are exact, meaning Bungie meant for Mars to be somewhere in the game, and look at the iris pictures, everything lines up with the legendary pictures.

    Also more supporting evidence:
    Posted by: cornage
    Okay, To get this thread started, this is another one of those "Post your theories" threads, but I think this one goes deep. I wondered about IRIS and what it meant after Halo 3, so I watched the server videos, got most of the IRIS info. to be "as stocked up on my halo 3 ending skills" as possible... but I still didn't get it... I was stumped. I decided to go through the last server video one more time, because I thought it was the most revealing of them all. IT WAS. I was watching the last video, but slowing it down a couple of notches... I think I found some serious reference to the future of the series. Marathon is the answer. Now Don't leave, I know how many of you hate the idea of "The Marathon theory" and how bungie would never do that... but this info. seems to push it with bungie and their "marathon references" for fans. I Don't even like the idea that much, but this has me teetering on the fence about the future of the series:

    As I was watching the last server video from the IRIS (ARG) and these are extremely fast frames, but I think that I caught a picture of a Phfor enforcer and a Compiler (Marathon 2). I'm serious, it changing my whole outlook on the future of the series, and I suggest you all review those videos of IRIS.

    When viewing, the MARATHON CONCEPT ART is on left, while the IRIS PHOTO is on the right.

    Compiler: Click Here

    And the Enforcer:Click Here

    The compiler is slightly viewed from and angle, looks as if it is sitting on a throne, and the enforcer is getting disentigrated from his right, facing us.

    The enforcer photo may have something to do with the Forerunner/ Flood war, as it is right after the frame where " but If we fail (if the forerunner fail to save the earth)". Post what you think.
  2. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    so does that mean they are in slipspace right now? and the planet looks a lot like onyx from the books because its all mechanical.
  3. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    very in depth theory but why would you go so far for a video game?
    and this belong into the halo discussion
  4. Skull 134D3R

    Skull 134D3R Ancient
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    Now then, I don't know very much about Marathon and such, but this seems like a rather likely theory.

    However the way I understood it when playing the game and hearing Cortana saying that the portal collapsed just as they were making it through I'd say that they are stuck where the Ark once was. Of Course, I don't know the size and power of that explosion so it may be impossible that they could have survived and still be there. I hope we'll get our answer eventually.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It always makes me giggle when I think about how Frankie and the other Bungie.net crew are viewing this guy's 'documentation', and laughing at him in some dark, secret corner of their office.
  6. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    The "com-box" in that blurry pic looks NOTHING anything like the security one. Plus, you're on a ****ing UNSC ship. That could be anything.
  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    This is so confusing....

    I dont know what my opinion would be towards the end of the game, and whatever will happen to the Chief.
    Only LOST has a cooler plot than this :D
  8. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    This is a lot of evidence crammed into such a small post, it's overwhelming my decision making facilities. While this evidence is plentiful, we must be cautious as to it's validity. How credible are his sources, and are his inferences based on what he presents? As much of a stretch as it would be to move the MC into Marathon, it does seem like something that Bungie would do. Marathon is their golden child, and they'd do anything to give it new life. The fact the there are so many similarities bewtween the Halo and Marathon universes seems a worthy testament to this, and a possible support to his theory. However, Bungie is notoriously fickle, and therefore, I shall remain skeptical.
  9. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Moved to Halo Discussion

  10. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Indeed lol.
    Why do people keep bringing this stuff up?
    Heres a thread containing some more of this useless info including a link or two to this very guys post
    There are WAY to many plotholes in it.
    Cortana magically disapears form the storyline if it feeds into marathon,she doesnt exist in the storyline and she can hardly be one of the marathons AI
    "Hmm,we've just found a blatantly unstable Ai in a deserted ship.Lets hook it up to our big important colony ship"
    Eh no
    Why would marathon pick up random refugee MC and decide to make him a security chief?
    Thatd be like picking some random mexican and giving him access to the "Big Red Button"
    Not to mention there is alot of unresolved stuff in the Halo universe as it is.
    Look at that other thread to see a bunch of different arguments,i am not typing all that stuff out again

    And to an earlier post about them tying it into marathon to breath new life into it.
    People dont seem to get that halo may well BE the remake of Marathon,in a sense.
    In that way making halo is breathing life into marathon.There are similarities because its the same company making a similar game (an FPS) with the same minds there will be similar ideas.
    #10 Supa Midget, May 7, 2008
    Last edited: May 7, 2008
  11. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    it would be cool
  12. KwirkyJ

    KwirkyJ Ancient
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    While I think this theory deserves exploration, I don't see any definite reason for Bungie to implement it. Thus far, Halo has drawn an incredible amount of inspiration from the Marathon universe, and one can see it pretty much everywhere if one chooses to look hard enough. Who is to say that they simply were "inspired" by marathon to make Halo 3's ending scene what is is?

    I personally feel (with no supporting evidence) that the subsequent Halo game, should one be released, will be tied in with Marathon little more than any previous Halo game. There will be similarities, some strikingly so, but a fusing of the separate universes simply makes no logical sense.

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