MLG MLG Aviary

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rifte, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    : rifte gifle, Urban Myth
    Gametypes Supported
    : MLG CTF, MLG Territories, MLG Team Slayer, MLG Bomb
    Recommended players
    : 8 (4v4)

    Originally, Aviary was of a completely different, non-circular design though that was scrapped due to me not liking the layout. After restarting, I immediately got to work and decided to have the map circle around the pelican in the middle around the map and have it support MLG. The new MLG Aviary is a map inspired by Countdown and midship. Though obviously not an exact remake, the circular design and ability to get from one side of the map to the other with some means is apparent. During the forging process, I asked Urban Myth if he wanted to help forge (I hate doing symmetrical maps) to make the work go by faster and more efficiently.

    There are several jump-ups placed around the map for quicker though more challenging access around the map; some of them are not there in symmetrical gametypes. The power weapons on the map consist of sniper and grenade launcher. In addition to that, each team has their own jet pack and an evade set at the same distance apart from each team's spawn.

  2. Straf3tality

    Straf3tality Forerunner

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    Great map first off. It doesn't really strike me as an MLG map even though it obviously is with weapon placement and such. The layout looks pretty solid with a multilayered base and a wide open middle area.
    Lastly, good job on the pelican it really adds some good aesthetics to the map.
  3. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Rifte, this is an amazing MLG map, I don't know why it only has 1 comment! This is definitely the most unique MLG map I've seen as far as Halo 3 and Reach go, the pelican is just amazing. It has it's ups and downs for each gametype but overall it's just an amazing map.
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    After about 5-7 games in testing with you I think I know just about everything about this map, that being said I'm surprised to say that I found no flaws in the map... well other than you can't go in the pelican XP, but that's not a real issue at all, it'd probably be worse if you could anyways.

    Also, tbh, this is the only map I've ever played MLG on reach, and I must say either your map is way better than H3's MLG maps, or they improved MLG, either way congrats at a great map.
  5. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Brilliant map Rifte. I remember your first version with that weird building to one side of the Pelican, it's transformed so much since then. I know how cliche that sounds, but the renovation you've done here is ridiculous. Looks brilliant, plays brilliant.
  6. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Not only does this map support a variety of gametypes all of which play fantastically but it's style turns MLG on it's head. This map is truely just as much a work of art as it is a battlefield. Plays well, looks well and is a change from the regular old MLG maps that you often see of which are just two bases facing eachother with multiple pathways etc, not that, that style is bad, but this is truely unique.
  7. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good map you've got here Rifte. The game or two I played on it, the map felt like a ring with a runaway path through the center. There was never really any combat in the center. You've probably made it more balanced since then though, since I think I was part of the first test session.
  8. xHoBoSNiPeR

    xHoBoSNiPeR Forerunner

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    just found this on youtube because I subbed you :D

    this map looks amazing and I am downloading it for sure, and I love the pelican in the middle, very original in MLG maps to put something campaign-like in the map.

    One Question : why did you put crates in the map?
  9. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Urban Myth did and we actually thought it looked good. It's fine though, they're set on fixed so don't break any MLG map rules.

    Plus they're cover on the courtyard level.
  10. xHoBoSNiPeR

    xHoBoSNiPeR Forerunner

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    are they symmetrical placed or not?
    good thing you put them on fixed though, many people forget that :D

    btw I love your maps, and I wish you a merry christmas!
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, they spawn in both symmetries. There are jump ups to the left and right of the pelican that lead to top red/blue base that only spawn only in asymmetrical gametypes though.

    and merry Christmas to you too!
    #11 Rifte, Dec 24, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010
  12. xHoBoSNiPeR

    xHoBoSNiPeR Forerunner

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    okay that's all I wanted to know, btw
    (incoming teacher alert)
    when you say something like merry christmas to you too

    you write an extra O, and no I'm not a teacher so I don't know how to explain it, LOL

    thanks anyway ;D
  13. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Rifte, I'm so glad that you posted the map and I'm also really sorry that I randomly disapeared when you may have needed the help. But it looks like from everyone's responses, you did a great job and for that sir, I say congrats on making a solid map.
  14. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thank you rifte. You just broke my extreme case of forger's block (lol) I didn't even look at the pictures, I just read the description, and BOOM! Idea. So, my thanks to you.

    Anyways, the map looks nice, I like the pelican, it looks very clean and smooth. Dl'ing so maybe I'll get an even better idea.
  15. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    By the way I really liked the video you posted on youtube for this map. It had that intensity that is in some ways difficult to do. so great job.

    I look forward to seeing what else you plan on bring forth to us in the future. :)

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