An Asymmetric 4-12 player (Team Slayer) and 6 player (FFA) map made in the cavern behind the waterfall on Forge World. Includes Sniper, Laser, Energy Sword, Grenade Launcher and a variety of other weapons. Team Spawns are only included in the beginning and the rest of the spawns are free for both teams to prevent base camping. Blue Team Spawn Red Team Spawn Laser Spawn: 155s Sniper Spawn: 155s Sword Spawn: 180s THANKS!
no comments yet? thats rediculous! this map looks great and has got my dl I like the lengthy spawn for the laser
This is a nice map overall, the glass wall/cage thingy for the killball is gorgeous, and I can tell you put a good amount of time into this. Nice layout, aesthetics and map design. Looks easy to navigate, and the yellow lights do this map justice.
The glassed in kill ball looks very good and adds well to the map. The biggest problem i see with the map itself is the lines of sight. I feel like if i had the sniper or splaser and went to the tower i would rack up a killing spree no problem. You might want to consider adding more cover or impede the lines of sight with more pretty objects. Other then that the weapon choices are a good look, and i love the overall flow of the map itself