Godzilla Attack on Japan

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by sothe4963, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. sothe4963

    sothe4963 Ancient
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    It started on a warm summer day on the small island of Japan. I giant dinosaur climbed out of the ocean and started to attack the city. That dinosaur was named Godzilla. Soon after the attack she started giving birth to small dinosaurs, also known as elites. Local Police Couldn't stop Godzilla, so they called in the Spartans.


    Spartans spawn here, inside the pelican, drop pods and in the surrounding area. I wouldn't spend to much time staring at the oddly proportioned pelican, as it looks a little funky.


    Dinosaurs spawn here and have to define the shield door controls.


    The first shield door controls(B), it's closer to the humans but typically more fighting occurs at this one.


    The second door control(A), its closer to dino spawn but the sneaky people will sneak through the tunnel and capture this one while the dinos are distracted at B.


    Also worth pointing out that there is a huge rock wall preventing you from getting to the other side of the map here. It has kill barriers all around it, so don't even think about going around yet. It will despawn once you get to the third section.


    Random action shot!


    If the humans capture either point the door is turned off and they can pass to the next section.


    A big field that leads to the city.

    Over view of the city and Godzilla.


    The next place humans have to go to is the back up generator and turn the cities power back on.


    For some strange reason the dinosaurs now get vehicles or weird larger dinos that they ride on, depending on how you look at it.


    Once the Spartans turn the power back on the man cannons , teleporters and turrets spawn.


    They then have to go to the local military store and grab the bomb, carry it into Godzilla and blow her/it up. Now how, you ask yourself, does one get inside Godzilla? Well there are a few ways.


    First, and probably most obvious, you can go in through the mouth. That's where most of the man cannons take you.


    Or you can blast a hole in its stomach and go in through there. And for whatever reason, the picture doesn't feel like loading. Oh well you can see it the pic above.


    And lastly you can go in through the anal docking bay...lol


    View of inside of Godzilla's belly. That raised platform in the middle is where the bomb goes. It also worth noting that Godzilla does have two other side entrances which are a product of limited budget and me wanting more ways in. The onyl way to those two are by jetpack.


    Also, I'd be careful when going through the mouth. She blasts fire from her mouth. Less like blasting and more like throwing up kill balls though.



    Will Spartans succeed and kill Godzilla, or will the baby Dinos win and rule the city? You decided!...or rather how good which team is...Oh well. I'll edit with more screenshots when my recent pics actually shows them. Also sorry about the pics being so big and taking a while to load, I didn't have enough time to shrink them down. I'll do that and add more pics later.

    Edited by merge:

    250 views and not one comment :(
    #1 sothe4963, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2010
  2. Marth234

    Marth234 Forerunner

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    Looks pretty fun, i'll download and try it out. Also glad to see another fire emblem fan here XD
  3. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    Love this, looking forward to a game on it.

    You might wanna add a thumbnail though, nobody ever clicks on thumbnailess posts, and I'd be a shame for this to die.
  4. starcrusher

    starcrusher Forerunner

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    good job

    Fun map! I really like how you have different entering places. But how do the kill balls leave the mouth?
  5. Adam2Keva101

    Adam2Keva101 Forerunner

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    I've Played This Map,Buildings Very Basic,Godzilla Looks More Like A Dragon,Instead Of Actual Godzilla.On The Whole Great Map And Nice Invasion Set-up.
  6. Fuz

    Fuz Forerunner

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    But it acutally looks awesome.
    But have you checked people can't climb the mountain and get out of the map or does the mountain have kill zones too?

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