"MAC Platforms like MHP-181 are remnants of the great Human-Covenant war. 4-12 players" A medium sized 6 vs. 6 map made for Team Slayer, Stockpile, 3-Plot territories, and Multiflag. Based off of the Halo 2 Campaign level "Cairo Station" and the Halo 2 multiplayer level "Elongation". Screenshots: Command Deck/Red Team Spawn A small area suited for campers. Don't camp. Centre The main area, with barricades, Machine Guns, and Grav Lifts. Dope Spot.... wait... The all time spot of crack heads hanging out with Cone. WARNING: Cone may come with shots to the head. Use with extreme caution. Arms Station Contains two Military grade DMR's topped with two Health packs. A SPARTAN-III's favorite! Bridge The Shotgun spawn and connects both 2nd floor walkways together. Storage/Blue Team Spawn Roomy, but dangerous! Hope you enjoy!
Well, I can't really tell why you put this in the Competitive section. A competitive map is the kind of thing that puts pure functionality and flow above all else, even at the cost of aesthetics. Your map (and I'll try and sugar-coat this) seems to feature whatever's "cool" above what would actually work well. I see you've put at least two turrets on a rather enclosed claustrophobic map (with direct lines of sight on each other too!), an actual ammo supply, and several areas that I've noticed which would give people an advantage by not moving around the map and just staying there. Also, you should try not to set weapons to "Fixed" on competitive maps. The incredible glitches made by doing this outwiegh any aesthetic benefits. Again, I'm not trying to directly be mean to you for any reason. I'm simply trying to fix a long-standing misconception with Forgehub. If anything, I'd recomend you to request this map being moved to the "Casual" section. For additional information on what makes a "competitive" map different from a casual, use this link and scroll down a bit.
I see your point, but, the way I made the map is a style of symmetry. And the map was meant for competitive gameplay. So, I am not going to post this in the casual section.