Primarily, Liberty is a 4 on 4 team slayer map, but it supports slayer aswell. Liberty suits most playing styles, e.g. long range snipers or if you like close quarters. The map itself is small so you are never too far from the action. The map also has 2 cannons to fling you back into the action. Weapons: Needle rifle x2 Needlers x2 Shotgun Sniper rifle x2 Grenade launcher Rocket launcher Focus rifle x2 Energy sword x2 Gravity hammer x2 Plasma pistol x2 Plasma grenade x6 Pictures: Uploaded with Uploaded with Uploaded with Please tell me what you think and how to improve because this is my first map, Thanks. MOD EDIT: In the future, do not repost a thread you've already posted. Edit the original post instead.
I hope you know that you can take screenshots without having the moniters HUD in the way. also the map looks like you could fall off WAY too easy. you need to at least add railings or make the walkways bigger (both preferable) other wise it wouldn't be fun to play. Along with that you have too many power weapons on the map. Seriously? 2 swords and gravity hammers? one gravity hammer alone would just knock everybody off. and who needs a assault rifle when I can have a sword that is put in two conveinent locations. And if you already have two snipers (still too many) you wouldn't need two focus riflesa to go along with it. Over all you need to chnge alot. I give the current version a 3/10 Im not trying to be mean either, just giving constructive critisism, please dont think that i dont like you. =)
No, Thank you this is exactly what i need. This is my first forged map and i wasn't really sure about the whole concept of forging and now you have given me a clearer view about power weapons, So thank you. Also anymore tips, either about the map or forging other maps in general.