I have made a team-based and character-based gametype. I wanted it to be realistic (Spawning with sniper and shotgun), but still being fair. You have no shields and low damage resistance (you die by 3 dmr shots anywhere on your body, and half an AR mag kills you). There are 5 classes, none of which i either believe slows down gameplay or are overpowered. The speed is 75%, and jumping height is 50%, for realistic gameplay, and the health doesn't recharge. The maps support all sorts of play; Small CQC tunnels, Mid range buildings, and Long range open fields. Marksman, Sniper, 1 grenade, nothing else (Didn't want it to be OP) Medic, Shotgun, AR, 1 grenade,Drop shield (Drop shield is great for Team Play) Infiltrator, AR, Mag/DMR, 1 grenade, Camo (Behind enemy lines) Recon, AR, DMR, 1 grenade, Sprint (Normal soldier, for the quick players) Demolitions, GL, AR, 1 grenade, Evade (Anti-vehicle class. Might be a bit because of evade, suggestions?) So what do you think?
Based on the lowered damage resistance, I think the sniper rifle and grenade launcher might be too powerful. Is the sniper rifle a one shot kill other than a headshot?
Well, the sniper is one shot, but the class lacks in everything else, i've now deleted the grenade, and it sux against mid range dmr fire.
This sounds similar to the settings in a game Im working on. The difference is that mine is going to become a Rush game of sorts from BFBC2. It sounds like a pretty decent idea and could be fun if the maps made had something unique about them that fit with the gametype.
However, by lowering movement speed to 75%, you've made it that much easier for people to land un-scoped body shots. It's not that hard to do (even I can, and I am a horrible Halo sniper).
I've played with a small group of people, and in the beginning everybody was like: Sniper!, they got a few kills but changed their minds later to the slightly overpowered grenade launcher class (Nerfing it). We played on asylum. The map SHOULD be in three levels; one tunnel/catacomb level where CQC dominates. Second level should be the vehicle/walking level for quick map crossing, but vulnerable. Then there should be buildings connecting to eachother. Btw, regarding to sniper OP-ness, you can easily kill them by flanking, and the camo is especially good at infiltrating and taking out snipers. I say in a Sniper VS DMR fight, the chances are 50/50 on who will win.
shotgun with drop shield could be OP, due to lower damage resistance, shottycould be OP all the time sniper class should be ok because of one shot headshots with dmrs why evade for anti-vehicle?
For the maps, try and make them bad company-ish. Large maps, buildings, some open fields. Vehicles are the hardest part. If you're using warthogs, spawn them in places where they can easily be taken down, but have a way to get to an open area. For tanks, spawn them in open areas near buildings, but give them routes to get to other areas. I don't know if you're going to put falcons on the maps, but if you do, only put one Or two rocket launcher on the map - snipers and grenade launchers can take them down very quickly. That's my opinion on the maps.
There will be different areas supporting different playstyles, and there wont be many weapons spawning on the map. The DMR is 3 shot, Btw. The demolitons class don't have evade anymore, too OP. I changed it to have no grenades, no AA, and a mag as secondary. The medic class might be OP, i will fix that. Also, i didn't want it to be to halo-ish and i wanted to speed up the gameplay, so i don't have AL, Holo, or Jetpack. I wanted to have evade, might implement it in one of the other classes. The sniper also serves it's original purpose; in a Short range DMR fight the DMR wins 90% of the battles. In mid, it's 60% win rate for the DMR, and in long range, the sniper wins 9 times of ten.
Not sure if you want to include vehicles. I can see a rocket hog possibly, but chain guns would just demolish everything.
Pretty true, but with long vehicle spawn times and maps with plenty of covered areas, it'll work. Do anybody know how to make artillery that looks good?
Eh, artillery sounds pretty challenging and not really worth the time and effort to get a positive effect from it. What did you have in mind?
One problem that I can preceive is that the Health Regen is set for 0%. If you keep it like this, players will not regenerate health inside the drop shield. Another thing I have to ask is weather this gametypes is just regular slayer or objective? I'm not exactly sure whih it is.
It can be both slayer and objective, with slayer score needed to win higher then normal, because of the quicker kill times. About the score BTW, you get one point for getting a spree, because you can almost never survive against so many enemies, which supports teamplay. If you have health regen unchanged, the health do recharge (for spartans) in drop shields. The artillery should not be able to be controlled by humans, just random on the field. I had this crazy idea about fusion coil shot down by man cannons, but it'd look weird with MC in the air.