Phantom Dust

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nobody Worthy, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I was just wondering if anyones played this game besides me. It was a game for X-box that was really nice. But due to lack of adverstiment, not many people got a good look at it. On another site I wrote this about it: (its long and at some points might get confusing ~so I apologize~)

    It's a great game for X-box. (not 360)

    If you've played it, you would know so...

    But for those of you haven't!
    Read below

    The basic format of the game is set up like a card game - you have a set of HP, a deck, a requirment to use a card, etc., but, instead of cards you have "skills" that you hold in your "arsenal". Each arsenal can hold up to 30 skills. To use a skill in battle you'll need aura. (At first, each arsenal is defaulted with full aura skills, so don't worry about them that much) Each skill has a "cost" -what ever that number is - is how much aura you need to use it. So, say a skill cost 5 and I only 3 aura total. I wouldn't be able to use it due to lack of that 2 aura. However, if I had 7 aura - I could use that skill and have 2 aura left over. [2/7] aura recharges over time. There are skills that will increase/decrease your/targets recovery rate. Most of the skills that'll increase/decrease your states are known as "status skills". In game you'll know a status skill due to it's green color. There are 5 other types of skills (6 total) Red Skills are Attack Skills, Blue Skills are Defense Skills, Purple Skills are Erase Skills, Yellow Skills are Special Skills, and Light Blue Skills are Enviroment Skills. You use attack skills to attack, defense skills to defend, erase skills to erase, special skills to effect certain things, status skills to change the status of something, and enviroment skills to put an effect on the feild - after you set an enviroment skill, it can be picked up and it'll be added to your aura, but in doing so it kills the enviroments effect. aside from types of skills, there are "classes". The five classes are as following: Psycho, Optical, Nature, Ki, and Faith. Each class has it's own symbol to represent them. Classes are a bigger factor in the Arsenal. Reason being is that the arsenal you have can either hold up to 1 class, 2 classes, or 3 classes. When you first get an Arsenal, you'll have a 2 class one. Later in the game you'll be able to but the other two types. Skills have four main unique factors: adds, release, required, and penalties. Which most classes are sorted by. (but some are just put in that class for other reasons). An example of an add would be the pierce effect. Say you have a skill that does 8 damage and your target has a sheild that can block for only 4 damage, normally if a skill with 8 hit the shield with 4; the sheild would just break, but since your 8 damage skill has a pierce effect, the target will take 4 damage and its shield breaks anyways - most Psycho skills have the pierce effect, but not all - other skills in other classes can have the pierce effect as well. But it's most commonly seen in the Psycho class. As for the release - That's basically just how the skill is released. If it has a parabola release then it'll launch upwards and then downwards on your target. (in a parabola manor) Most parabola released skills are in the Psycho class as well. Required skills are just what they say they are. They require a certain something to use. Here's an example of a skill that would require something; Say you just started the battle and you have a skill that requires 7 or fewer skills left in your arsenal, you wouldn't be able to use that skill because you basically just started. (unless your arsenal as 7 or less skills in it; but that means you'll have 23 aura's in it) All classes hold 2 require skills, however, the faith class has three. As for penalties, they are self-explantory too. (like a lot of things) -an example: Say you had a skill that does 10 damage; cost 6, but on the that skill the penalty is that when you use it, it takes 2 hp from you. Most penalties are added to over-powered skills, or just cheap ones. The faith class holds many penalty skills. As for the range factor that skills have... it's laid out like this: Short, Medium, Long, self, mine, capsule, env, auto, and all. -Short range skills only work in close combat; Medium in mid-combat; long in far away combat, self means you're doing it to yourself, mines are layed on the ground and left there until some one walks over it, capsule just effects the capsules on the battlefield (capsules are the things that hold a skill), env effect the environment; all environment skills are env ranged, and auto range is where when you use that skill it automatically effects the target you used it on.

    -Well, that's basics of the battle system for you. (sorry for rambling on like that, and, I might have left a few things out, so yeah........)

    But what I love most about this game is the story line. It's a 10/10 in my books. (don't worry, I wont ramble on about that, I'll let YOU find that one out for yourself! -So go, go and buy this awesome game, if you can still find it that is...)

    website link

    And here's some trailers if you feel like checking it out more:

    Oh, and if I could, I would play this game again. But I lost my copy. =[
  2. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    this may be an old post but i totally agree 100%. this game was the best i've probably ever played. its like playing a live action shooter/ card game. and according to this
    its been announced. but im not sure if i can trust it. but if its true im probably gonna pee myself
    after playing this for a like a full year when it was first released i have a place in my heart for it.
    #2 longridr, Dec 22, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010

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