Whats your most favourite thing to do, other then gaming? Mine would be Motorbike riding cause just the blood pumping rush you get when jumping is amazing. Heres me And hes me again on my brothers bike So i ask you Forgehub what do you enjoy doing the most, other then gaming.
Football. Why? Because I'm on the team that's why. I also like taking Taekwondo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Other than that, I like to win, at everything.
I love to have a good time and do quirky things. Hanging out in sculptures, walking on the golf course at midnight, and just enjoying other people's company. Sailing. There's nothing like waking up on a boat to watch the sunrise with a good book and hot chocolate in a tropical paradise. Scuba diving is awesome too.
Aw man, Grif, you changed your name. Anyway, I draw. Really well, too. Mostly technical stuff. I read too. I swim competitively. I repair vehicles. And walking around outside at night feels cool. I can't explain it.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is my most favourite thing to do. Oh and also reading, photoshop, debates and music (I play guitar).
Working on my computer, programming, reading/watching manga/anime, playing D&D (well technically I play Pathfinder but oh well), and possibly favorite thing is spending time with my girlfriend.
Getting lost, lost in deep and intense, philosophical conversation, as if my mind were in another realm of thought.
JERKING OFF 24/7!!!!!! but seriously.. photography, photoshop, track, friends, sleeping, eating, going on random message boards, stumbleupon, youtube, chyea
Making levels in Unreal Engine 3, (Or atleast practicing) reading my Bible, making desk and other stuff out of wood with my Dad, slapping my body to make awesome sounds. Sitting in a dark corner in my basement plotting world domination and the eventually ensalvement of man-kind and force them to play my maps and let me win in them. And picking flowers.