I was thinking of writing a script so that some people could make a Machinima out of it. To help improve the script, I'm asking the community: what would you like to see in a Halo: Reach Machinima?
How about you just write a script without worrying about the Halo Reach aspect? Let your imagination run wild, if you haven't even started writing the script then there is no reason to start limiting yourself. Why even limit yourself to Halo Reach? Be creative, write an original script and then later on you can go through it and make notes and ideas on how your scenes can be achieved with Halo or if a machinima is even the best mode for your film. I've said this lots of times; a good machinima (or any film) will not be made in a weekend.
yeah, you said it right there - all of the above. okay, maybe no drama. Mostly I'd like to see a show that really utilizes forge- there are so many possibilities. Listen to DMM though, write a script and then think about shooting it.
Also the utilization of campaign and all its landscapes and backgrounds and equipment etc, Because of the custom characters in campaign you could easily blend in from campaign to a forge world level.
yes, roosterteeth said in their podcast months ago they are psyched they can finally shoot RvB characters in campaign, so we should be seeing some of that in that series at the very least simmons + grif trying to accomplish things in a campaign environment? hilarious.
There was this one Machinima I enjoyed back in the Halo 3 days. It was made by the same guy that does the Arby n' the Chief series... can't quite remember his name. Well, he did a series called Deus Ex (or something along those lines). It was a bit hokey at times but it was the only machinima I truly hung onto and followed to the end. I believe it counts as an action drama? It's easier to say what I DISLIKE in Machinima than what I like. I dislike bad voice-recording... I dislike watching characters turn poorly, I dislike incredibly overdone cliches. Heads moving around wildly to convey speech... Edit: His name was DigitalPh33r and it was Deus Ex Machina.
I was thinking up a short thing in my mind that included Halo: Reach aspects, Like rocket warthogs, but also what the community makes, like the UNSC Trebuchet. I specifically want to use the Trebuchet in one of the episodes. Also, I'm no Director or Producer. I simply want to write the script, pass it on to a potential director, and advise the producing of the Machinima.
An Infection machinima. One that's like a good horror movie. Don't startle us by having stuff jump at the camera, that's just childish and amateur. And don't build suspense with "fake scares", where you make us think that something MAJOR will happen, and then: boom, nothing. Use atmosphere to creep the audience out. The Walking Dead is a really great show to take inspiration from, though the last two episodes push suspension of disbelief just a tad too far.