A forge contest is being held by http://www.genesisdevice.org/. Here is a quote from the website: "After many delays, cancelations and confusing comments, the Smithy's Challenge is back for its final iteration. We got so lost in our latest site dev that we completely forgot that this thing was around! No more is that the case. Read on to get the breakdown of the rules and regs of the challenge and be sure to let all of your friends know about this contest because the more entries we get, the merrier this site will be! So beef up your bellows and strike with the iron is hot! Get your map/mode combos into us by the end of May! Submission Rules: To submit an entry into this contest you must add a comment under this article with your gamertag, map and mode name and a description of the rules. Any posts made after 11:59 PM GMT , May 31st, 2008 will not be allowed into the competition. You are to use FOUNDRY from the Heroic map pack as your forge map. Due to the lack of level choices, ANY mode is acceptable but MUST be described in your contest entry comment as mentioned above. If the ruleset is not provided then we will default to Team Deathmatch or Deathmatch and judge the map based on those settings. The goal of this contest is to make the best possible map from Foundry in terms of playability and game structure. Maps designed as art first and for gameplay second will not prevail. Co-op built maps are allowed. Only the name of the person on the map will be elligible for winning any prizes and recognition. Submissions can be sent to T0astman or Maxprey gamertags on xbox live via the halo 3 fileshare system. Be sure to type Smithys Challenge Entry in the text area of the fileshare. You must also add your comment post under this artcile to be considered an entrant. Submission Deadline: May 31st, 2008 Judging Deadline: We plan on judging the maps for a month after the submission deadline to decide the winners. Subject to change. Shouldn't be big ones though. Prizevault: We are still trying to get ahold of Bungie and others for giving support prizes. These listed below are some possibilities. For 1st place: 1600 Marketplace Points Card to pick up the Legendary map pack..or..whatever you want and a custom "Smithy's Challenge Champion" t-shirt made by Toastman and your construct showcased on GD.org. 2nd Place: An item of your choice from the GD Store and your construct showcased on GD.org. 3rd Place: Your construct showcased on GD.org. If you have any questions regarding this contest be sure and voice them in a PM or in the forums dedicated to The Smithy's Challenge." Link to this information is here. All you have to do is make a map, sign up on the forums, and submit your map. You may also submit your map to the gamertags: "Maxprey" or "T0astman". Good luck to all! If you have any questions, head over to thier forums: http://www.genesisdevice.org/index.php/forums/ May the best forger win!
wait so if I was to post a map, I have to post a gametype along with it, what if its just set up for all default gametypes. SWEET, 400th Post
made it in two days! I finished it a while ago but it really needed some tweeks and I hadn't published it yet. well here you go anyways Halo meets Counter-Strike http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19085825&viewreplies=true The gametype required for this map is on the bungie article but i'll put it here anyway http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=27627536
Me, go up against the best of the best from Forge Hub? Even if I had a map that's worthy of that at this point, I wouldn't be so presumptuous. I've a lot of practice to do before I'm at the level where I can enter forge contests.
keep in mind, he said aesthetics don't matter. Who cares if its not a pretty map like the F-Hub pros do, as long as it plays well.
Alright, Genesisdevice.org got there registering problems fixed, so everyone should be good to go! Good luck to all.
Just doing a reminder bump for those who want to participate. The deadline is coming up soon! Be sure to sumbit your best map! Good luck.