Wierd forge glitch on Tempest

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Psychoduck, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So I set my map Focal up for CTF and obviously slayer. I then set the map up for stockpile about a week ago. Yesterday, I set the map up for Headhunter, Oddball, and Territorries. Then I went into a game to test oddball with my friends. It said the map wasn't compatible with oddball. So we tried Headhunter, and once again, it was incompatible. So I went into forge, thinking that my gametypes had been randomly deleted. They were still there though, so I saved the map and it said all three gametypes were compatible. I noticed I set Territories up incorrectly though, so I went and looked at a different map (Anchor 9) to see what I did wrong. I had used hill markers instead of flag stands for the territories. I changed this and went into customs, and the territories weren't showing up. I then realized that the map no longer had oddball, headhunter, OR stockpile objects on it. They were completely deleted, and now territories isn't working either. Has this happened to anyone else? I don't want to release the map with just slayer and CTF, but I can't seem to get other gametypes to work now.
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    The glitch where objects delete themselves (or rather, the map reverts to previous versions) is well known, however I can't really explain why you received the 'not compatible' error even when you checked and the objective items were still there.

    I know this sounds like a basic question, but did you reselect the map from the list in the customs lobby when you went in for the test games (oddball, headhunter and territories) after setting it up for those gametypes? I'm kinda clutching at straws here, but if your map was already the selected map in the custom game lobby since before you set it up for these 3 new gametypes, it could have possibly had the version before you made these changes still loaded when you started up those customs, even though it was after you added the objective items.
  3. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
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    Yeah, I had this when setting up Invasion. It was compatible but when I tested it everybody was spawning in the wrong places so I went into forge and everything was fine, went back to Customs and it happened again. So I went back to forge (Super confused) and all the spawn locations and objectives had gone. Fail.
  4. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    This is what I'm thinking too. If there is one thing I've learned since Halo 3, never keep the preselected default from a lobby... especially if you're making changes to that map.

    Here's what I'm guessing happened...

    - You start Reach.
    - You go to Forge and the map you want to edit is the default selection.
    - You start Forge and make changes to the map.
    - You Save Changes and exit Forge.
    - You go to Custom Lobbies and it's preselected as well.
    - You start the game and test it out, but missing some edits.
    - You go back to Forge and the map is still preselected.
    - You start Forge and make changes again.
    - You save and exit Forge.
    - You go back to Custom Lobbies and test the preselected map again.
    - Changes don't seem to have taken.

    Here's what you should be doing...

    - Start Reach
    - Go to Forge Lobby and manually select the map from the list. The default selection is a cached version ( stored in memory ), not the one actually saved to your hard drive.
    - Make edits to map and save changes... then exit Forge.
    - Go to Customs Lobby and manually select the map from the list. Again, the default is a cached version of the map, not the one saved to your hard drive.
    - Start game and test changes.
    - Go back to Forge Lobby.
    - Manually select the map from your list again.
    - Edit map and save changes.
    - Go to Customs Lobby and manually select map from the list again.
    - Test map and verify changes.

    The Forge Lobby and the Customs Lobby seem to have a separate cached version of the same map... that's why you must manually select the map from the list each and every time.
  5. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
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    Bungie really needs to just prepend "Autosave" to the beginnings of the temporary copies of map changes. Usability fail.
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok thanks for the help guys. I believe the problem has been fixed. Basically, my map (which is on Tempest) randomly overwrote another map of mine which is on Forge World (i'm not sure how thats even possible, but it happened, when I clicked on the Forge World map it had the Tempest maps description and redirected me to the Tempes map) so basically, there were two conflictiong versions of the map.

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