Hello all, Let me introduce myself, the name is Mr. Bmustard, and know a little info......Ill try not to bore you. Gamertag: Bmustard I have casually browsed this site for the past 2 years, as i have been forging casually ever since the release of halo 3, however the forgeworld in Halo Reach has inspired me to really start getting more serious about creating some quality maps and getting them out to a community. So i finally signed up! Looking forward to completing my first map for Reach, in the near future, and testing others maps. If any one has any tips or wants to play any custom games or test a map just let me know! Thanks!
"Sighing Really Hard," let me just. . . be the first to. . . welcome you to Forgehub. As you should already know. . . getting familiar with . . . the rules is a must. "Coughing Really Hard," well, I hope you. . . enjoy your stay. Have a wonderful stay. . . "Falls Over, Breathing Really Hard." I should be the "OFFICIAL WELCOMER."
Hmm. You really should. You seem to be good at it. Anyway, welcome to Forgehub! As iiNFamous said, don't forget to have a quick look at the rules, so this awesome community can stay awesome!