Splatter House

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by doobiesnax0420, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    Splatter Stadium (revball)

    Splatter stadium is another revball field inspired by splatterdome and the revball gametype by wheels36.

    for those of you who dont know revball is a 4 v 4 soccer style game where 3 revenants and a ghost on each team try to push a golf ball into the opposing teams goal. auto ball return to the center. first to 5 goals or highest score at 10 min wins

    any suggestions are welcome







    due to the fact that since reach came out the word "doobie" is not allowed in anything in your file share, ive been forced to resave it on my girlfriends tag misssteelreserv to share it
    #1 doobiesnax0420, Dec 14, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  2. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    That is really cool. Im guessing Revball is the new Griffball. I really like the look of the map, the grid just makes it stand out then the original Revball map.
  3. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    i actually just realised the map i posted (more final vesion) isnt the same as all the pictures....i changed the corners by the goals to change its game play had a few times a ball would kinda be stuck in a corner so im pretty sure thats fixed and the part of the ball return under the center has been prettied up a bit.

    when i started this map i wanted to make the ball return more even. i felt that on the original map once you scored it already was on its way towards your goal if you werent paying attention so on this map both ball returns drop the ball neatly at the center. let me know if theres any issues.
  4. Fuz

    Fuz Forerunner

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    Pretty impresive, I like the design of the map, and yes, the design of the original
    Revball map makes the ball to return after 10 seconds and I think it actually affects gameplay.
  5. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    i appreciate the feed back.

    when building this i has some issues with ball return. had balls flying in the water and not resetting. i spent alot of time having someone throw the ball in and about bout a dozen games to try to make it mess up.... and i think ive gotten it fixed. if anyone has issues let me know.

    also in another version i have a button to release a second ball in the game. originally i did this in case the ball fell in the water. however once people figured out what the button did almost every game someone would drop that second ball into the game right away. which is why i took it out.

    so my question is... would you like another version with a button to drop a second ball in? would you be fine with it there knowing its kinda an honor rule not to push it unless both teams agree? would you want a gametype that started with two balls? or do you have any suggestions on how to implement this feature into the game?
  6. GameTime49

    GameTime49 Forerunner
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    i must say you have created an excellent system for returning the ball to the arena
    most people who make revball courses would just wait for the ball to respawn

    and to answer your question the button would be good to have but make sure its not to easy to hit so that people can't press it right away
  7. Choroid

    Choroid Forerunner

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    I just tried this map out solo, its a great design. I really love it, I'm sure my friends will too! You've done a great job with this. However, I managed to knock the ball out of the arena somehow. I don't really know what it did, and it seems like a fluke to me. Just thought I'd tell you anyway. I have a clip saved, and can upload it if you want.
  8. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    yes i have had this happen recently as well but out of 20 games ive had it happen 2 times... video would be awesome and much appreciated. i would like fix this if possible.
  9. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    is this at all inspired by the splatter house game? just wondering
  10. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    yes this is inspired by wheels36 map and is made for his gametype. i loved the game and just wanted a new field to play on.

    Edited by merge:

    i just now realised i had made the name on the forum wrong now i understande the question my map is called splatter stadium
    #10 doobiesnax0420, Dec 20, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  11. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map looks very cool, and revball is fast becoming one of the most popular gametypes.

    I definately like the different shap that you have used for the playing field and this will hopefullt make it more interesting.

    Did you use the goals created by wheels in your map, or are they of your own design?

    Well done :D
  12. doobiesnax0420

    doobiesnax0420 Forerunner

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    yes the game mechanics are used from wheels36 map. i chose to change some of the angles and make the ball drop more fair. i also put the vehicals on the sides so it doesnt affect the game when u have to many people. looks like wheels just added this to his map 2.0 vesion (ball drop corners and added some garage thing)

    im currently almost done with another map for revball called "bent" for another way to play revball. ill add pictures here for a preview in a bit

    Edited by merge:

    played a game today and my the third goal somehow the ball got stuck or disapeared..... not happy will fix expect a more refined version soon....sorry
    #12 doobiesnax0420, Dec 22, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010

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