Lockout Spawning Issue

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Random1, Dec 20, 2010.

  1. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Hi guys, Random here
    Well, I'm sure you've all heard of the Lockout remake which was stolen from II Maky II and subsequently has become a massive success in the MLG Forums. Well, the thief has created a version on Tempest, which sadly to say (for Maky anyway), is VERY accurate and VERY good to play on. The only problem is, the weapons are all DMRs and NRs, and the spawns are only set up for FFA. And here is my dilemma:
    I have modified the map, making it more accurate (adding in Fusion Coils, adding weapons and such). But unfortunately I have no copy of Lockout at hand (due to a broken Halo 2 Disc) currently, so have had to place weapons on memory (don't worry, I think only a few ARs and a coupla pistols are out of place plus spawn times probably incorrect) and because I lack the incredible knowledge of the collective members of Forgehub, have absolutely NO knowledge of spawns on the map. Therefore, I come to you guys to help me out. Are there any of you beautiful forgers out there who would be willing to help me with this tragic case?
    If so, post on this page saying which thing (Spawns, Weapons, Slight Map innacuracies) you would be willing to aid me with. I also ask you not to make individual fixes, but forge with me at opportune times.
    I can be on from 10 AM to around 7 PM (When I go out) GMT
    My tag is KingBorisThe3rd. Here is the Link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    PS: Also, if anyone does spot any innacuracies in the map design, could you post it up here please
    PPS: If budget severly impedes the cure for this innacuracies, please remove FX (On top of Sniper Tower)
    Edit: Noted inaccuracies are jump from lowest ramp to those on it's left and right, and the ability to jump from fusion coil to door to slant camping spot in lower lift room impossible to replicate in Reach without actually creating a path which would affect gameplay.

    Edited by merge:

    Oh, and there's a slight problem on the bridge from top to middle of BR building by the door. Its a bit off on scale and shape.
    #1 Random1, Dec 20, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2010
  2. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Halopedia's diagram of the weapon layout in Halo 3.

    If you have Halo 3, you can Forge Blackout to see the spawns. The only way to exactly replicate Halo 2's spawns would be to find someone that has Halo 2 Vista and knows how to mod maps.

    I'll do a quick search to see if anyone's already diagrammed the spawns for either incarnation of the map; if so, I'll post again (or edit this post) accordingly.
  3. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I don't think Blackout has the same spawns, but I could be wrong. Anyway, don't alot of people know the spawns already, I'm pretty sure there's been quite a few remakes, but I don't know if they're right either. Anyway, what did you think of the Lockout

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