Just want to get the community's views on this, do you think bungie should release an update/patch (if it's even possible) with these additional settings in custom games: - shield leech - shield decay - initial spawn traits - starting ammo - VIP (and all it's settings from halo 3) - Alpha Zombie - unlimited grenades - specifying elites only/spartans only in your gametype - kill points in objective games - fix juggernaut - enable/disable fall damage - specify amount of tiers in invasion (1-5) - separate traits for Spartans and Elites - more tier types in invasion (slayer, assault, core, territories, koth, etc) - health enable/disable (if you can turn shields off surely you can turn health off) - Sequential hill movement - Invasion team colours enable/disable (if disabled everyone uses ther own colours) If you have any others I'll put them in.
I wanted the ability to specify differences between spartan and elite traits in all game types. Shields, speeds, damage res, etc... you know, the way you can set differences between infected and non-infected. Only difference being the spartans and elites can play on the same team. The idea was part of a Tactical RPG map I wanted to create. Couldn't do it the way I wanted to with the lack of options... and the fact that it would be a HEAVILY honor-rule-based game. Customizing the duration of the overshield and camo power-ups. Being able to customize the effects of specific armor abilities. Say, I want someone with sprint or evade to have infinite use but no other AA's OR last as long as I set it to with a customizable recharge rate as well... you know, stuff like that. Really, I just much more granular options when it comes down to it, without having to mod.
I really want bungie to add alpha zombie back into the mix. Some custom games from halo 3 that i loved simple cannot be remade into reach the same way because alpha zombie was removed. I'll never fully understand why they decided to take it out, but i sincerely hope that one day they will add it back.
Those all seem cool. They also need to fix the current glitches and stuff that exist (like with Juggernaut) But they totally could do these things, even without major updates, because notice that Rocket Race is a different sub-gametype of Race. They could do that for like Alpha Zombie and VIP.
You forgot that we can't set up points for kills (or anything else) in Objective games. That sucks a lot. Other than that, VIP, and Alpha Zombie, I don't see any real problems. I mean, it's not like anyone's ever made a decent game utilizing Spawn Traits or Shield Leech. Seewhatididthere? ; )
What we need the most, IMO, is to be able to set certain players to either Spartan, Elite, or Preferred Species. It's annoying when you want to play a FAIR game of Team Slayer, then you have a bunch of super-powerful Elites running around with completely different Loadouts. And what's even more annoying is when you create a gametype, but only create Loadouts for Spartans, then have Elites in the game that can't even play properly! And tell me, how could Bungie not have added this in the first place when they, themselves, created Elite Slayer for Matchmaking? Wait, so Bungie can change the species, but we can't? WTF?
There's probably a reason for that... who's gonna complete the objective if you can just win by getting more kills? Completely defeats the purpose of having an objective game type in the first place.
I don't think he's suggesting that it's implemented in default objective gametypes, but that it should be there as an option. If someone wants to make a gametype that uses it then why not? It could help with more detailed custom gametypes, particularly mini games/casual gametypes which require an objective basis but also need kill scoring. I know it's something I'd like to see just for the possibilities it could bring. Even in more simple terms, what about, say, a KotH gametype where you want kills to give points but only when made in the hill? That's not even particularly outlandish but I'm pretty sure it's not possible with the current options.
They need to fix Juggernaut also. VIP is my most wanted thing though. And being able to edit Invasion traits for Spartans and Elites seperately. For example so that Spartans are faster than Elites ect.
So far almost all realistic stuff seems to fall under this: Bring back the Halo 3 settings with the addition of the few new settings like loadouts, bottomless clip, grenade count, and a melee damage modifier.
To go along with my earlier post: The customization of power-ups would be species-specific AND team specific. The customization of armor abilities would be species-specific AND team specific. Making something team or species-specific can be toggled on and off. Say you want two, three, or four custom power-ups on your infection map. You could specify that non infected elites have a different effect from the powerups than non-infected spartans and both species of infected have the same power-up effect as one another.
Oh and yeah, being able the amount an AA can be used. Like where you can change it's use to unlimited or none, you should be able to change it to Limited, very limited ect.
Thinking about it there's a few more things i would like to see added back from halo 3. 1. Unlimited grenades 2. When stuck shields down matter 3. when invulnerable you can still be splattered. These things were apart of some of my favorite halo 3 customs like "snowball fight" and "smear the *****." Now before every game of Smear I have to make sure everyone knows not to shoot there ghost or just get out and be ass holes and sword the zombie.
*****... But yeah it seems bungie took out a lot of things which were available is custom game settings in halo 3. Ill update the OP with some more things that were available in h3.
I believe this is coming. Hopefully they will fix the fact that Base Player Traits only affect humans in invasion. Also, for invasion, they should allow Elite v Elite and Spartan v Spartan [br][/br]Edited by merge: I assume I don't get it because I'm such a newbie.. but I'm guessing Crypocalypse came up with some awesome Lava-Man gametype in H3.. lol
Also some setting or option to make it so Good Active camo isn't like the AA, but is all the time (like it Halo 3, so we can actually play Predator again)
About the only thing I miss from Halo 3 is that Good Camo is permanent despite movement. No sense in having a Camo setting if it's acting like a Cloak.
My Custom Game setting wishlist: Headhunter Capture Points (Enabled/Disabled) (skulls scored on contact when disabled) Capture Point Destruction* Score Infection Alpha Zombie Traits (already implemented in Halo 3) Haven Destruction* Score Haven Sequence (Random/Fair/Ordered) Next Zombie (Random/Fair/Winner/Loser) (already implemented in Halo 3) Rebalancing (Enabled/Disabled) Zombie Haven Traits Zombie Loadouts Invasion Bomb Carrier Traits Capture Point Traits Fireteams (Enabled/Disabled) (can be disabled via lag) King of the Hill Hill Destruction* Score Race/Rally Driver Traits (already implemented in Rocket Race) Gunner Traits (already implemented in Rocket Race) Hijacker Traits (already implemented in Rocket Race) Teleport Time (already implemented in Rocket Race) Teams (Enabled/Disabled) (enabled in Rocket Race) Vehicle Exit Allowed (Enabled/Disabled) (enabled in Campaign (LNoS)) Territories Territory Destruction* Score General Standard scoring options (Kill/Betrayal/etc.) in all gametypes Betrayed Teammates Drop Weapons (Enabled/Disabled) Friendly Fire Mirroring (%; you take X% of the damage you deal to teammates) Player Traits Bloom (Enabled/Disabled) ("disabled" implemented in Halo 1/2/3) Camera On Foot (First-Person/Third-Person) Camera In Vehicles (Third-Person/First-Person) Camo Fades With Damage (Enabled/AA Only/Powerup Only/Disabled) Camo Fades With Movement (Enabled/AA Only/Powerup Only/Disabled) Fall Damage Resistance (%) ("0%" implemented in Halo 3) Flashlight (Disabled/Night Vision/Flashlight/VISR) Grenade Damage Modifier (%) Grenade Regeneration (Both/Frags Only/Plasma Only/Disabled) ("both" implemented in Halo 3) Health/Shield Leech/Decay (%) (implemented in Halo 3) Immune to EMP (Disabled/Enabled) Immune to Lock-Ons (Disabled/Enabled) Immune to Splattering (Disabled/Enabled) Immune to Sticking (Disabled/Enabled) Lunge (Enabled/Weapon Only/Melee Only/Disabled) Player Species (Preferred Species/Spartans Only/Elites Only) Primary/Secondary Weapon Spare Clips (1-5; affects spare ammo on spawn) Splatter Damage Resistance (%, affects player collision damage) Vehicle Damage Resistance (%, not a player trait, affects vehicle resistance) New values for existing settings [Player Traits] Damage Modifier (-%, heals people you shoot) [Race] Vehicle (On Foot) * Destructible items can be forged into Capture Points/Havens/Hills/Territories. Gametype scoring options do not account for this. Side note: Rocket Race includes several settings that aren't available in Race or Rally. It's possible that Bungie just included these settings in Race/Rally and hid them, but I'm starting to suspect that they actually have a scripting engine embedded into their gametype system, and that they can insert custom script snippets into game variants to provide new functionality. I do remember hearing someone say that Bungie claimed to be able to add new games, like VIP, with ease.