This is exactly what is happening at Bungie's forums, and exactly what I'd prefer not happen over here. I've started threads on Bungie hoping for some discussion, only to see the thread buried to page 3 within minutes... all because 25 threads on armor lock and 20 threads on bloom... all saying the same crap over and over... pushed threads like mine down. I can agree to one complaint thread dedicated to bloom, and one thread to Armor Lock... or better yet, a discussion/rant thread on all AAs... as long as it keeps the threads created to a minimum and people search and post in those threads instead of creating new ones everytime they have a rant about those items. The difference can be noticed in the OptiMatch forums. The staff created an individual thread for each map and each playlist for everyone to post their rants and feedback in and posted a sticky with links to each of those threads. That way they have one place to look for feedback on those specific items. Of course you still get the idiots that think they have something unique to say and start their own threads, but it makes it easier to handle the fewer idiots and slap them down... than the chaos that no moderation does like in the Halo:Reach forum on Bungie.
You should be mad at Microsoft for that. But how does going cross-platform decrease the quality of their games?
There is another way to get on Asylum's rocklide. As a zombie you have to get on top of Red Base's sniper tower and then on the rockslide, evade on or two times and you'll get an easy Infection Multikill.
Why should I be mad at Microsoft? And it really doesn't affect their games, but I have like a feeling of nationalism for the Xbox 360. And I feel kind of betrayed.
One thing I like to do with my maps is put in at least 16 different spawn point areas for each team that way the chance of spawn killing is limited. However I could see why bungie might make a mistake like that. If you think about it this they were trying their best to make halo: reach the best of the halo series at this point and as a result they might have been too busy to try it out. Although I am surprised that Paradiso actually supports invasion. I thought that the only maps that supported invasion were the Spire and the Pillar of Autumn based map.
I completely agree with everything you said. Reach could've been 10 times better if Bungie actually put some care into the game. Bungie says they're in touch with their community. Bull to the ****ing ****! It honestly seems like Bungie cares more about money than the community, the very people who have kept them going all these years. Face it, if it weren't for us, Bungie would've died after Halo: CE. And they think that if they give us a half-ass game, it won't matter, cuz they'll get money! F*ck you, Bungie!
I think Bungie honestly could have put more time into some things... It's pretty annoying that they "forgot" to put some things in like alpha zombies, next zombie traits, full cloaking, etc.. Having said that, Bungie worked their arses off testing, developing, and maintaining this community. You simply can't call them "lazy, lazy, lazy" just because a few minor details didn't workout. Who knows, maybe they'll fix these things in the future.. In the meantime just chill out lol Now that's just rude.
Making anything perfect, that will please every single person, is impossible. It can't be done, whether its literature, films, tv, games, board games, anything. Give them time. I'm sure a TU will fix some of these things. Saying Bungie doesn't give a **** is just ignorant. I'm sure a lot of these issues weren't addressed because they thought they could fix it later, and they just wanted the game to be out on time. Ever thought about the fact that forgehub/custom gamers make up a fairly small percentage of the overall gaming audience? Most players are NOT going to care that shield leech, alpha zombie, vip, etc are gone. They are trying to please the community as a whole by making a great game. Just try to remember that just because you exist almost completely in forge/custom games, most players DO NOT. Most players never go anywhere but campaign and matchmaking.