Welcome to Forgehub! This forum post doesn't meet the standards for this forum. Please read the sticky post at the top of every map category, then repost your map. P.S. Im eager to see what the rest of the screenshots look like.
When I saw the name, I forced myself not to look at it til last but when I opened the link it was a major disappointment. How do you expect people to download the map with no link. I understand that you're a new member but how can you forget the link?
In all honesty A remake of Elongation is just not the best ideas. If there isnt a moving conveyer belt then it aint good. If there is it still aint good because then the level would still be bad.
Ahh? Where you expecting to peopel to download this? Where's the link? Description? Anything other than a thumbnail image?
HELP! I dont know what I am looking at!! One picture? No description? Hook it up!!! It looks like it has potential...
Change the map name to Elongation, and take of remade, and from your one tiny pic i cant really tell whats goin on