From the guy z who brought you all of your favorite maps you've never played Blu BW & Friends present to you Seduction. Made for my excellent gametype "Spies VS EVIL" which is a stealth/action/invasion gametype. Spies get lots of catwalks and hidden vents for quick exits and stealthy asassinations on this dynamic changing map. Gameplay flows as such: Stealthy spies (Spartans) have to hack terminals to unlock deep parts of the map. Spies only have plasma pistols / active camo / 1 plasma but have access to many hiding spots and ambush points. The Forces of Evil (Elites) Have to defend the terminals using many bottomless weapons and brute stregnth. Winner goes to the team who can hack the most objectives. I need some gameplay teasters to help me balance this thing out and give feedback so chuck me a pm via Xbox Live or forgehub please. Any help will be rewarded with free punch and pie. Map Download url: : Halo Reach : File Details Gametype url: : Halo Reach : File Details
Might wanna polish up your post here. Got a link, showing you how to post screens. Put up at least 2 or 3, should be right