Welcome to Revball 2.0! DISCLAIMER: This map hasn't been as thoroughly playtested before release as the first map. Please let me know of any problems/glitches. Here is a video of the new map in action The Splatterdome 2.0 CHANGES MADE: 1) Mines instead of fusion coils = quicker explosions and scoring. 2) By popular demand, vehicles now spawn in 'The Garage' and when you get in the vehicle you are transported via teleporter to the field of play. No more empty vehicles in your way! 3) The 90 degree corners are the map are replaced by 45 degree walls so the ball no longer gets trapped there. 4) The ball no longer shoots out of the goal 15 seconds after the explosions. Now after 11 seconds, the ball falls down from the ceiling at center field. Quicker ball return and no more unfair advantage to the previous scoring team!
i love rev ball, you made an awesome reach original game, i like the new ball chute, im deff downloading and gonna get some games going, great job on making an already great game better. Also i like the whole garage idea as well.
You sir, are amazing Revball is officially Halo Reach's grifball. Wait til this is a new playlist. Im not joking, it deserves to be in matchmaking as much as grifball and conquest. You have made it even better. I love revball, much better then hogball from Halo Custom Edition (so classic).
Is the gametype edited or anything because I just downloaded it but I already have the revball gametype and they're both called the same thing
All the changes you've made can only make this already amazing game even better. The ball shooting out of the goal was the only real "problem" I ever had with the game. I only wished you had made the garages look more pleasing aesthetically. You did such a great job making the playing field look amazing that I kind of had higher hopes.
The Revball gametype is the same. Yea, the garage is rather bland. I was gonna spice it up aftyer playtesting but went for 2 weeks and only 2 games and lost the forging mood and wanted it posted. Maybe in 2.1 lol.
Nice game mode, theres something you may wish to look at though. I was playing 1v1 with my brother, and I just randomly went flying in the air, through the wall and out of the map. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details ^ Video Other than that, its a very fun mode and I hope it gets put into matchmaking
love the gametype love all the new changes the corners the most. not a big fan of the garage tho...its functional and understand exactly the purpose however i only play revball with a full 8... maybe a simpler solution would be making duplicate maps for 3v3 2v2 1v1?? ive got a bunch of ideas if your interested hit me up....