Hi guys I have an idea for an Invasion map but I need to know if what I'm about to ask is possible so I don't waste my time. Is it possible to have Spartans attack,and then later go on the defensive? Like lets say the Spartans have to capture a building. They do that, but then lets say their spaceship gets crashed onto the ground and they have to defend it? Like phase 1: Spartans have to capture the beach Phase 2: Spartans have to capture the building Phase 3: Spartans have to defend their crashed ship's core from the elites. Would that work?
I highly doubt it, but you could set up a capture point for however long you want them to defend. Not sure how long you can set the capture time though. I'd look into that first, and if it works, go for it.
If you want to set this up, its going to take imagination. But with the options before us, I think something like this is possible, but it would take some thinking to get it to work, and the gameplay may be unorthodox...
You could set up a hill that takes forever to capture, that might be the best you can do, but im not quite sure how long you can have a hill's timer...
This is what I mean. It isnt going to work by setting up some simple objectives, but with enough imagination, it is possible. You just need to think outside of the limits. Think outside of Halo.
if you look at my 2 way invasion thread, you will see that what tue previos posters said is correct, if you giv e spartans a defensive position around a capture zone with a long timer, it will be as if they are defending a cap zome with a shorter timer